June 17th, 2019

Updated SharePoint Framework developer training package (June 2019)!

We are pleased to announce the availability of an updated SharePoint Framework training package which is targeted to be used for self-learning or for redelivering provided material as a local training delivery inside of your own company or for your customers. All materials are provided for you to reuse anyway you preferred without any needs for asking permissions or notifying anyone (“sharing is caring”).

Each module contains the following assets for you to take advantage:

  • Recorded video on the module topic presented by a professional trainer
  • Presentation slides on the topic
  • Hands-on lab for the module
  • Demo materials used in the recorded videos

As part of the June 2019 updates, we updated all modules to use SharePoint Framework 1.8.2 and did some fine tuning on the content in general. We will be further updating these modules and adding new ones in the future based on new features introduced in the SharePoint Framework platform. Please give us also feedback on the existing materials, so that we can adjust that based on your requirements.

Here’s the first module located at SharePoint Dev YouTube channel from where you can find also plenty of other relevant training materials around SharePoint Framework. You can find the full list of released modules below the following video with links to the available assets (presentations, demo materials, and hands-on labs).

Module – Getting Started with the SharePoint Framework

This module will introduce you to the SharePoint Framework as well as walk you through getting your local & online environment configured for developing with the SharePoint Framework. This includes topics like SharePoint Framework principles and configuring your Office 365 tenant ready for SharePoint Framework development.

Module – Developing with the SharePoint Framework: Web Parts

This module will introduce you to creating client-side web parts using the SharePoint Framework. In addition, you will see how to leverage both the local and hosted SharePoint Workbench & using different parts of the SharePoint Framework platform. This includes topics like solution structure, gulp task clarification, debugging, status renderers, error indication, Loadash Utility Libary, page display modes, accessing page context, environment information, and logging.

Module – Working with the Web Part Property Pane

This module will introduce you to leveraging the property pane for client-side web parts. You can use the property pane to configure and change the web part behavior in SharePoint or in Microsoft Team. This includes topics like different out-of-the-box property types supported in the property pane, custom property pane controls and introduction to reusable SharePoint PnP property pane controls, which helps to reduce your development costs by providing reusable open-source controls, which you can easily take advantage.

Module – Working with SharePoint Content

This module will introduce you to working with SharePoint content in SharePoint Framework projects. This includes topics like using SharePoint REST API, CRUD operations with SharePoint data, workbench and mock data in SharePoint Framework.

Module – Getting Started with SharePoint Framework Extensions

This module will introduce you to extending the SharePoint user interface with extensions. The module will cover the basics related on the Application Customizers, Field customizers, and List View Command Sets.

Module – Leverage the Microsoft Graph & 3rd Party APIs

This module will introduce you to utilizing external APIs in your SharePoint Framework projects. The module covers communicating towards anonymous APIs, Microsoft Graph API and third-party REST APIs secured with the Azure AD. Code samples will concentrate on the usage of HttpClient, AadHttpClient, and MSGraphClient in your SharePoint Framework solutions.

Using React and Office UI Fabric React Components

This module will introduce you to extending leveraging React and Fabric React controls in the SharePoint Framework solutions. The module contains specific materials on how to get started on using React and Office UI Fabric and how to use them in your own components. Office UI Fabric is a user interface design framework used also by Microsoft in 1st party experiences and it provides a set of reusable controls, making your custom solutions look consist without any extra effort.

Deploying SharePoint Framework Components to Production

This module will address the topic of deploying your SharePoint Framework customizations to production environments. The module contains details around the steps to optimize your solution for production usage, actual deployment, tenant scoped app catalog, site collection scoped app catalog, ALM APIs, versioning practices.

Build Microsoft Teams customizations using SharePoint Framework

This module will introduce you to leveraging your SharePoint Framework customizations with Microsoft Teams. The module contains details on the following topics: understanding Microsoft Teams development, benefits on using SharePoint Framework with Microsoft Teams, accessing Microsoft Teams context in your SPFx solutions, configuration options, deployment options.

Frequently asked questions

I’m Microsoft Certified Trainer and would be looking to reuse this material locally at my company. Do I need to contact someone?

No permissions or contacts needed. We are providing this material for anyone to reuse anyway they want.

I would be looking into delivering local/internal training with the only subset of the modules. Are there any specifics to think about?

You can absolutely use the only subset of the modules or provide two different training packages. We have intentionally not provided specific order numbering gon the modules as they can be considered to be fully independent. If you are rebuilding a training package based on this material, we do recommend to ensure that the order and flow to make sense by starting from basics and then moving to more advanced scenarios.

Can I use the provided presentations, slides and demos in my own presentation deliveries?

Absolutely you can. You can use all provided material where ever you want, anyway, you want.

I have questions or challenges with the provided topics, where should I report those?

Please use the centralized SharePoint Dev issue list at http://aka.ms/spdev-issues, so that we will see your input as soon as possible. As the material is provided through numerous repositories, opening issues on those specific repositories are not recommended as they could get created without us noticing their existence.

What’s the relationship of this materials to the tutorials in the SharePoint dev docs?

Getting started with SharePoint Framework and SharePoint Framework extension tutorials are a separate series which are maintained together with our official documentation. These will be the most up to date written materials for the SharePoint Framework development. This training package is using tutorial materials, but we decided to keep them separated to ensure easier versioning model for both of them. This means that the training modules are completely isolated to own repositories for easier maintenance.


SharePoint Team, Microsoft – 17th of June 2019