This is an update about breaking changes that we are making that only impact Contacts and People APIs on the Outlook REST API Beta endpoints.
It is a schema change where a few properties are being removed and corresponding collections are being added. The changes are outlined below and will roll-out to PROD over the next couple of weeks.
Properties removed from contacts:
- BusinessHomePage
- HomePhones
- MobilePhone1
- BusinessPhones
- HomeAddress
- BusinessAddress
- OtherAddress
Properties added to contacts:
- Websites – Collection(ComplexType: Website)
- Phones – Collection (ComplexType: Phone)
- PostalAddress – Collection(ComplexType: PhysicalAddress)
- WeddingAnniversary – Edm.Date
- Gender – Edm.String
Properties renamed in people:
- Â Renamed WebSite to Websites
Changes in both:
- Websites enum types changed
- Previous: BusinessHomePage, PersonalHomePage, Other
- New: Other, Home, Work, Blog, Profile
- Phone enum types changed
- Properties removed: Unknown, Car, Callback, Primary, Telex, TTYTDD, OrganizationMain
Mapping of old property to new property:
 Old Property |  New Property |
  BusinessHomePage |  Websites (Website.Type == Work) |
 HomePhones |  Phones (Phone.Type == Home) |
  MobilePhone1 |  Phones (Phone.Type == Mobile) |
  BusinessPhones |  Phones (Phone.Type == Business) |
  HomeAddress |  PostalAddresses (PhysicalAddress.Type == Home) |
  BusinessAddress |  PostalAddresses (PhysicalAddress.Type == Business) |
  OtherAddress |  PostalAddresses (PhysicalAddress.Type == Other) |
– Monil Shah on behalf of the Contacts and People API team