SharePoint datasets now in public preview

Philip Li

OneDrive and SharePoint (ODSP) datasets in Microsoft Graph Data Connect are moving from private preview to public preview. Starting July 11, 2023, we are introducing new dataset names without “preview.” Old dataset names with “preview” in the name (see table below) will be deprecated on July 11th but will continue to work in the short term.

Datasets impacted

Short Dataset Name Private Preview Dataset Name


Public Preview Dataset Name


Sites SharePointSitesDataset_v0_Preview BasicDataSet_v0.SharePointSites_v1
Groups SharePointGroupsDataset_v0_Preview BasicDataSet_v0.SharePointGroups_v1
Sharing Permissions DocumentSharingDataset_v0_Preview BasicDataSet_v0.SharePointPermissions_v1

*“Sharing” dataset will be renamed to “Permissions”. The new name describes its use better.

**Only the dataset names will be different but the schemas in the new datasets will remain the same.

Read additional documentation: Datasets, regions, and sinks supported by Microsoft Graph Data Connect – Microsoft Graph | Microsoft Learn

Where can I make this change?

After you establish your connection to Microsoft Graph Data Connect, you will see a list of available datasets (shown above). The image above shows the private preview dataset name of SharePoint datasets:

  • DocumentSharingDataset_v0_Preview
  • SharePointGroupsDataset_v0_Preview
  • SharePointSitesDataset_v0_Preview

We encourage you to transition from the private preview dataset names to the new public preview dataset names ASAP. This will not affect new customers post July 11, 2023 as only the public preview datasets names will be available.


Both new and old datasets are metered and billed. See billing details at Microsoft Graph Data Connect pricing updates.

To learn more about how Microsoft Graph Data Connect can help unlock your organizational insights with SharePoint Data and more visit: Microsoft Graph Data Connect | Access data in bulk


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