October 20th, 2023

Retirement of older SharePoint file services versions

We are retiring older file services versions in October 2023. These older APIs are replaced by Microsoft Graph Drives and DriveItems. We encourage everyone to migrate their applications.

After April 2024, there will be no guarantees that these APIs will continue to function.

It is likely you are not using these APIs as they were never documented but please check the list below to see if you are impacted and follow the links for more information on transitioning to modern replacements.


This API provides a short-cut method to access the default document library’s files. As an alternative, use Microsoft Graph.

https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{site id}/drive

Note: “_api/web/defaultdocumentlibrary” remains undeprecated and fully supported.


This API is an old implementation of file access within SharePoint and is no longer required. As an alternative, use Microsoft Graph.

https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/drive/{drive id}

https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{site id}/drives


This API is an old implementation of file access within SharePoint and is no longer required. As an alternative, use Microsoft Graph.

https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/drive/{drive id}

https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/{site id}/drives

Review your solutions to see if you are impacted and make any necessary adjustments to your applications. The modern Graph APIs will provide a better, documented experience.

Find more information in the SharePoint Developer documentation.



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