March 21st, 2025

Removal of Deprecated SharePoint & OneDrive Permission Resource Properties

We are announcing the phased rollout of an update to remove the grantedTo and grantedToIdentities properties from the Permission resource type in Microsoft Graph. After a four-year notice of deprecation, we are now proceeding with the removal of these properties from the service.

Action Required:

Update your applications to reference the grantedToV2 and grantedToIdentitiesV2 permissions when using any of the following API calls for SharePoint and OneDrive:

  • GET {resource path}/permissions
  • GET {resource path}/permissions/permission-id
  • PATCH {resource path}/permissions/permission-id
  • POST {resource path}/permissions

We understand that changes can be disruptive and require updates to your applications. However, this update will reduce confusion by removing redundant properties from the resource.