July 5th, 2023

Pronouns settings path and scope change in Microsoft Graph

We’re announcing an upcoming breaking change for admins and developers using Microsoft Graph to control pronouns availability in a tenant.

About the breaking change

Using the Microsoft Graph API, a tenant admin can enable, disable, or get settings that manage pronouns in an organization, such as controlling the display within the organization of any pronouns users might have set up for themselves.

Currently, a tenant admin can use Microsoft Graph url https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/organization/{organizationId}/settings/pronouns, which requires the Organization.Read.All or Organization.ReadWrite.All scope.

Starting July 2023, that will change to a new path https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/admin/people/pronouns, and the scope requirement also would change to PeopleSettings.Read.All and PeopleSettings.ReadWrite.All.

What you need to do to prepare

The following is the summary of the changes that will come to pronouns settings in Microsoft Graph:

  • The path would change from https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/organization/{organizationId}/settings/pronouns to https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/admin/people/pronouns
  • The scope required for reading the pronoun settings would change from “Organization.Read.All” to “PeopleSettings.Read.All
  • The scope required for updating the pronouns settings would change from “Organization.ReadWrite.All” to “PeopleSettings.ReadWrite.All
  • The requirement for Global Administrator role would stay the same.

Please note that this change only affects Microsoft Graph API. This does not impact on the features or functionality of the pronouns in Microsoft 365.



Senior Software Engineer

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  • Javier Negro Dieste

    Controlling settings through Graph is great, but when are we be able to read the pronouns value from an user using the Graph API?
