January 28th, 2021

Office Add-in Development Community (PnP) – December 2020 update

The Office Add-ins developer platform team has new updates to share this month on Office Add-ins Patterns and Practices. PnP is a community effort, so if you are interested in contributing, see our good first issue list.

Custom function sample using web worker

Custom function sample using web worker

This sample shows how to use web workers in custom functions to prevent blocking the UI of your Office Add-in.


Thank you to our contributors who are actively helping each month with the PnP-OfficeAddins community effort.

Want to contribute?

PnP is a community effort by developers like you. Check out our good first issue list as a great place to help with some samples. Feel free to contribute to existing samples or create new ones.

About Office Add-ins Patterns & Practices (PnP)

Office Add-ins PnP is a Microsoft-led, community driven effort that helps developers extend, build, and provision customizations on the Office platform the right way by providing guidance and help through official documentation and open source initiatives. The source is maintained in GitHub where anyone can participate. You can provide contributions to the samples, reusable components, and documentation. Office Add-ins PnP is owned and coordinated by Office engineering teams, but the work is done by the community for the community.

You can find code samples for Office Add-in development in the Office Add-ins PnP repo on GitHub. Some samples are also documented in the Office Add-ins docs, such as Open in Excel.

Additional resources

Learn more by joining the monthly Office Add-ins community call.

