We are pleased to announce that the current set of Bookings APIs will be moving from beta to v1 endpoint. We will continue to provide the core functionalities we offered in beta along with the new features which were introduced recently. The new features were highlighted in a recent blog, and it gives our partners the capabilities such as SMS notifications, online meeting, custom questions, and group appointments. Our partners will also receive all the necessary support which Microsoft provides for v1 APIs.
The bookingBusiness is the parent entity of the other resource types in Bookings. There are no changes to the functionalities under this resource type, except for the Microsoft Graph endpoint.
The beta endpoint was https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/bookingBusinesses/
The new v1 endpoint is https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/solutions/bookingBusinesses
The endpoint of the bookingService resource type has changed as well. Here is an example to illustrate the new v1 endpoint:
We have also changed the endpoint for the bookingStaffMember resource type. Here is an example to illustrate the new v1 endpoint:
Attribute removed in v1 from bookingStaffMember
The following attribute is not available in the v1 endpoint. This was very specific to our web application and was removed as it wasn’t relevant for API developers.
- colorIndex
The endpoint for this resource type has changed. Here is an example to illustrate the new v1 endpoint:
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/solutions/bookingBusinesses/Contosolunchdelivery@M365B489948.onmicrosoft.com/appointments/AAMkADKnAAA=
Changes in customer Information
The customer information was available at the root node of bookingAppointment resource type. Now it moves under an attribute “customer” which is a collection of bookingCustomerInformation.
The difference can be seen in the two code snippets below.
Old structure of bookingAppointment
Content-type: application/json { "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$metadata#bookingBusinesses('Contosolunchdelivery%40M365B489948.onmicrosoft.com')/appointments/$entity", "id": "AAMkADKnAAA=", "selfServiceAppointmentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "customerId": "7ed53fa5-9ef2-4f2f-975b-27447440bc09", "customerName": "Jordan Miller", "customerEmailAddress": "jordanm@contoso.com", "customerPhone": "213-555-0199", "customerNotes": null, "serviceId": "57da6774-a087-4d69-b0e6-6fb82c339976", "serviceName": "Catered bento", ... ... ... }
New structure of bookingAppointment
Content-type: application/json { "@odata.context": "https://graph.microsoft.com/beta/$metadata#bookingBusinesses('Contosolunchdelivery%40M365B489948.onmicrosoft.com')/appointments/$entity", "id": "AAMkADKnAAA=", "selfServiceAppointmentId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", ... ... ... "customers": [ { "customerId": "7ed53fa5-9ef2-4f2f-975b-27447440bc09", "customerName": "Jordan Miller", "customerEmailAddress": "jordanm@contoso.com", "customerPhone": "213-555-0199", "customerNotes": "notes", "customQuestionAnswers": [ { "questionId": "75fc2eaf-624f-40b2-a289-63e51a56fcf2", "question": "What's your favourite food", "answerInputType": "radioButton", "answerOptions": [ "KFC", "McDonald's", "BurgerKing" ], "isRequired": true, "answer": "KFC", "selectedOptions": ["KFC"] } ], "customerLocation": { "displayName": "home", "locationEmailAddress": null, "locationUri": "", "locationType": null, "uniqueId": null, "uniqueIdType": null, "address": { "type": "home", "postOfficeBox": "", "street": "", "city": "", "state": "", "countryOrRegion": "", "postalCode": "" }, "coordinates": { "altitude": null, "latitude": null, "longitude": null, "accuracy": null, "altitudeAccuracy": null } } } ] ... ... }
The new complex type
The complex type is called bookingCustomerInformation. The “customers” attribute within appointment is a collection of this type.
Attribute | Complex Type | Description |
Id | bookingCustomerInformation | The id of the customer |
name | bookingCustomerInformation | The name of the customer |
emailAddress | bookingCustomerInformation | The email address of the customer |
phone | bookingCustomerInformation | The phone number of the customer |
notes | bookingCustomerInformation | The notes of the customer |
location | bookingCustomerInformation | The address of the customer. Location is of type physicalAddress. However only the “other” address type is supported. |
timeZone | bookingCustomerInformation | The timeZone of the customer |
Attributes removed in v1 from bookingAppointment
Since we don’t have payment or invoicing capabilities now, the following attributes won’t be available in v1:
- invoiceAmount
- invoiceDate
- invoiceId
- invoiceStatus
- invoiceUrl
Attributes renamed in bookingAppointment
The following attributes have been renamed. The older attributes won’t be available in v1.
start | Renamed to startDateTime |
end | Renamed to endDateTime |
The end point for this resource type will change as well. An example to illustrate the new end point for v1 is given below.
We have changed the end point for bookingCurrency. An example to illustrate the new end point for v1 is given below.
GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/solutions/bookingCurrencies
Getting Started
We are really excited to launch the Bookings APIs on the v1 endpoint. Check out this link to find resources that will help you get started. We would love to hear your feedback so that we can help fulfill your use cases and requirements.
Happy coding!
Good to see bookings has a live API!
I have a problem, when I list all bookingAppointment in calendarview within a given range, the Customer arrays in every bookingAppointment are always empty!
Same results when I try with /appointments endpoint, there are no bookingCustomerInformation objects in bookingAppointment’s customer array.
I using mainly Graph C# SDK, but this is reproducable within Graph Explorer.
Using the SDK (Microsoft.Graph and Microsoft.Graph.Extensions Nuget V4.13 released on the same day), there appears to be no BookingsBusiness virtual method on GraphServiceClient. How do we use the SDK from on thev1.0 endpoint? Many thanks, Mark.
It’s under
now. 🙂
Thank you fo the update! Will the beta endpoints also be updated? Any idea by when?
Are application permissions on the roadmap for this API (instead of delegated permissions)?