Microsoft 365 Developer Program instant sandbox service is restored

Kelly Bowen-McCombs (She/Her)

This week, we experienced an incident related to Microsoft 365 Developer Program instant sandboxes. New members who set up an instant sandbox were unable to sign in to their Microsoft 365 developer subscription. After setting up an instant sandbox, on sign in, members encountered the following error message.

Image Instant sandbox error message on sign in that states that the user doesn't have permission to access the resource.

This issue has now been resolved. If you set up an instant sandbox after October 1st, 2023, please reset your admin password. To reset your admin password, go to your subscription, and on the sign in screen, choose Forgot my password. Follow the steps to create a new password. Wait for 10 minutes and then sign in again. You should then be able to sign in to your Microsoft 365 developer subscription. If your sign in is unsuccessful, try resetting your admin password again.

Members who set up a configurable sandbox instead of an instant sandbox are not affected by this error.

We apologize for any inconvenience. Thank you for your interest in the Microsoft 365 Developer Program.

For general information about the Microsoft 365 Developer Program, see the Microsoft 365 Developer Program docs.

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  • Nahom Hailu 3

    Hello Dear Kelly,

    I can’t access my 365 developer dashboard when I log in to my account.
    am I not allowed to use my Microsoft 365 developer subscription email account, if so which account should I use.
    Below message is showing while I tried to log in.
    So can you please assist me in getting this right.

    We’re unable to sign you in with this account
    You can’t sign in to the Microsoft 365 Developer Program with your sandbox subscription administrator ID. Please sign in with your Developer Program account. For details, see the FAQ.

    MS-CorrelationId: 00000000-7f95-4cd6-a1e6-7d189744f782

  • Witek Rolka 0

    I created an instant sandbox on 16/10/2023 and receive the mentioned login error when trying to access the subscription. I have reset my sandbox account’s password about 5 times and continue to get the same error when logging into the subscription.

    Don’t know what I can do next to resolve this issue.


  • Alexis T 0

    Hello, My number is correct but I can’t received a call from you guys to reset my password

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