We are pleased to announce that you can now optionally filter change notifications for the callRecord GraphAPI by participant Entra Object IDs.
Previously, a change notification subscription for callRecords would send a notification for every call or meeting that occurred in your organization. Now, you can specify one or more Entra Object IDs using the $filter parameter on the subscription so notifications are only sent if one or more participant Object IDs matches the filter.
The callRecords API provides usage and diagnostic information about the calls and online meetings that occur within your organization when using Microsoft Teams or Skype for Business.
What are the benefits?
In some scenarios, you may not want to retrieve call records for every call that occurs in your organization. By filtering change notifications you can now reduce the amount of call record notifications you receive, providing a more targeted feed of information and reducing the amount of processing required.
How do I use it?
You can use the $filter parameter on the resource attribute of a callRecord subscription to filter the feed of incoming notifications. We support the in, eq, and or operators along with Entra Object ID values. See below for example of ways to use the $filter parameter on the subscription resource:
Notifications for a single Object ID using “eq”:
communications/callRecords?$filter=participants/any(p:p/id eq ‘OBJECT_ID’)
Notifications for multiple Object IDs using “or”:
communications/callRecords?$filter=participants/any(p:p/id eq ‘OBJECT_ID’) or participants/any(p:p/id eq ‘OBJECT_ID’)
Notifications for multiple Object IDs using “in”:
communications/callRecords?$filter=participants/any(p:p/id in (‘OBJECT_ID’, ‘OBJECT_ID’, ’OBJECT_ID’))
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