September 10th, 2021

Breaking changes to the me/assignments endpoint in the Microsoft Graph Assignments API (beta)

Today, we’re announcing some upcoming breaking changes for developers using the Microsoft Graph assignments API. The assignments API enables education users and partners to get and set properties associated with assignments in Microsoft Teams EDU. We will be removing some properties and navigation properties in the response to the me/assignments GET endpoint to enhance its performance. These changes will be rolling out to the Microsoft Graph beta endpoint on October 8, 2021.

Properties to be removed

What is the change?

The following properties will be removed.

Name Type Description
instructions {“@odata.type”: “microsoft.graph.itemBody”} Instructions for the assignment. This along with the display name tells the student what to do.
assignedDateTime String (timestamp) The moment that the assignment was published to students and the assignment shows up on the students’ timeline.
assignTo {“@odata.type”: “microsoft.graph.educationAssignmentRecipient”} Which users or whole class should receive a submission object after the assignment is published.
resourcesFolderUrl string Folder URL where all the file resources for an assignment are stored.
webUrl string The deep link URL for the given assignment.


Why the change?

This change will result in improved performance of the me/assignments endpoint.

What do I need to do?

Please update your code to remove references to the properties that will be obsolete. These properties will return null value.

Navigation properties to be removed

What is the change?

The following navigation properties will be removed.

Name Type Description
resource {“@odata.type”: “microsoft.graph.educationResource”} A wrapper object that stores the resources associated with an assignment.
rubric {“@odata.type”: “microsoft.graph.educationRubric”} A grading rubric that can be attached to an assignment. A rubric is associated with an educationUser (teacher) and attached to one or more educationAssignment resources.


Why the change?

This change will result in improved performance of the me/assignments endpoint.


The following is an example of a request before the implementation of these changes.

`$top=2&$orderby=dueDateTime desc&$expand=rubric`

The following is an example of the new request.

`$top=2&$orderby=dueDateTime desc`

Alternative  method to get the navigation properties

You can still use the{classid}/assignments/{assignmentid}?expand=resources endpoint to expand the navigation properties.


Happy coding!






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