September 28th, 2016

Announcing the SharePoint Showcase — now featuring web parts from the SharePoint Developer Kitchen

In the weeks since we’ve introduced the SharePoint Framework, and the months since we’ve held Developer Kitchens, we’ve seen developers create great things with the SharePoint Framework. From quick point solutions to deep SharePoint integrations, the parts we’ve seen look quite promising. We’re still in Preview, and developers are just getting started, but we’d like to take a moment to highlight the many parts already in preview and how you can get your parts featured.

Developer Kitchen Hackathon Winners

In our most recent developer kitchen in July, we embarked on a bit of a hackathon to see what our partners could build. But what’s a hackathon without friendly competition? We had a small “best part” contest, too. Judging was tough, and we’re pleased to announce the winners of the Developer Kitchen hackathon:

Groups by Powell 365

First Place – Groups, by Powell 365. This web part makes Office 365 Groups more discoverable within SharePoint, and offers deep contextual details on Groups.

Second Place – Document Dashboard, by Content and Code. The Document Dashboard pulls together oft-requested analytics and details about documents in your site collection. It features a number of options for customizing charts.

Third Place – Panda Poll, by Bamboo Solutions. This quick poll features easily-created questions and simple, clear charts with results.

We saw other great solutions as well – including:

The SharePoint Showcase

There are many good solutions worth showing off! We created the SharePoint Showcase so that you can browse great creations from our developers. The SharePoint Showcase features detailed visuals, videos, and descriptions of these parts. Go browse the SharePoint Showcase to see our Developer Kitchen winners, and watch it grow over time as more parts are created and shared.

Because the SharePoint Framework is still in Developer Preview, the parts are not generally available to use in your sites, yet, but stay tuned for more details on how you can use parts like these when the SharePoint Framework reaches General Availability. 

Keep on Building with New Contests

You may be feeling inspired to build new parts – or maybe you need a little nudge to keep going. Good news! We are launching a 3-month Hack Productivity Virtual Hackathon for anyone building SharePoint Framework parts — as well as Office & SharePoint add-ins. We’ve got a lot of amazing prizes. Please visit to find out more and to register.

Even if you’re not building for the Virtual Hackathon, we would still love to see and feature what you build. Our SharePoint Showcase is open for new submissions, so if you’ve got interesting SharePoint Framework parts of your own that you plan to launch, let us know about it.  Find out more about the SharePoint Showcase.

We’re starting to see the first of what we hope will be many well-crafted parts and solutions built with the SharePoint Framework. Our customers will make use of solutions like these in their sites, and developers will keep building great integrations. We all look forward to seeing what comes next!

