We are excited to announce the availability of public preview of the SharePoint Framework (SPFx) 1.13 – with Microsoft Viva Connections extensibility support for optimized mobile experiences.
Viva Connections is your gateway to a modern employee experience where you can build and integrate apps that shape culture and foster connections to help employees thrive. With SPFx, you have multiple ways to extend – using the same out-of-the-box or custom SPFx web parts, SPFx extensions (e.g., header, footer), and specific components for optimized mobile experiences. SharePoint Framework 1.13 public preview contains new component types which are targeted for building mobile experiences for Microsoft Viva Connections.
You can find details on how to get started and tutorials from following references
- SharePoint Framework 1.13 preview release notes
- Overview of Viva Connections Extensibility
- Tutorial – Build your first SharePoint Adaptive Card Extension
Notice that initially you can ONLY test the Viva Cards in online workbench. More polished end-user experience with the dashboard experience is planned to get released within upcoming weeks.
Installing SharePoint Framework 1.13 preview
You can install preview of the SharePoint Framework 1.13 by using following command – which will always install he latest preview packages.
npm install @microsoft/generator-sharepoint@next --global
Solution samples with Viva Connections extensibility
As part of this release we also include three new reference solutions, which are demonstrating the power of SharePoint Framework for building experiences for Microsoft Teams and Microsoft Viva Connections. Each solution is provided with business scenario video, fully tested solution code and documentation.
Notice. We continue evolving these solutions based on internal and external feedback, so they will be improved and adjusted also in future.
World Clock: SharePoint Framework Teams and Personal App Reference Application
The World Clock solution helps teams and managers deal with geographically dispersed team members helping make it easier to reconcile working times and meeting schedules with all the members. The solution can be added as a Teams tab to help members of a Team work together but also as a Personal App to help you manage your personal “teams” who may live in various time zones.
- Intro video at YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7-u-sBc5qI
- Source code and installation instructions – https://github.com/pnp/spfx-teams/tree/main/samples/worldclock
COVID-19 Check-In: SharePoint Framework Teams Personal App Reference Application
This solution depicts how you can build a teams based custom form that collects information from users and provides a custom dashboard for working with the results.
- Intro video at YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LG8dx6Lsvy4
- Source code and installation instructions – https://github.com/pnp/spfx-teams/tree/main/samples/covid
Executive Room Reservation: SharePoint Framework Teams and Personal App Reference Application
The Executive Room Reservation application is an executive scheduling application that allows users to see upcoming meetings, select and book a room based on availability dates and the number of participants. Users can see a photo of the room where the meeting is booked, get an address to the building to put in the meeting invite, and get directions to the building. It provides a seamless way for executive assistants to schedule meeting rooms for executive meetings. The application demonstrates the ability to create a visually engaging Microsoft Teams based solution.
- Intro video at YouTube – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7-u-sBc5qI
- Source code and installation instructions – https://github.com/pnp/spfx-reference-scenarios/tree/main/samples/ace-teams-roomreservation
What’s SharePoint Framework?
SharePoint Framework is widely used extensibility in Microsoft 365 with tens of millions of end users each month for the custom components built by developers. It’s really the easiest way to get build extensibility for Microsoft 365 and it’s taken advantage by thousands of partners and customers on building custom experiences for end users.
Key capabilities of the SharePoint Framework for Microsoft 365 are following:
- Automatic Single Sign On – SharePoint Framework components have automatic and seamless SSO included for all platforms they are hosted. No specific consents needed from Microsoft 365 end users.
- Automatic hosting – SharePoint Framework components are automatically hosted in SharePoint without additional maintenance or operational costs.
- Consistent developer experience – Use the same code and development patterns for Microsoft Viva, Microsoft Teams and in SharePoint.
- Industry standard tooling – SharePoint Framework is using standard web stack tooling with node, npm, TypeScript and any JavaScript framework of your preference. Just standard web skills needed, no special skills needed. Anyone can do this.
SharePoint Framework has also made the permission and token management for accessing the data in Microsoft 365 easy. You will be using the awesome Microsoft Graph APIs for accessing business data and you can further simplify the development of SharePoint Framework components by taking advantage of the Microsoft Graph Toolkit, which provides reusable controls with data connectivity to Microsoft Graph.
SharePoint Framework provides multiple shapes and component types across Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Viva and SharePoint.
Additional resources and support
- Please report any issues on the public preview using following issue list – https://aka.ms/viva/connections/developer/preview/issues
- We have engineering people monitoring any incoming issues and helping you to get unblocked or getting your questions answered
- Viva Connections welcomes new partners and opens developer preview – Microsoft Viva Blog
- How to implement Microsoft Viva Connections with Microsoft Mechanics – Adam Harmetz (Microsoft)
- Build solutions that span across Microsoft Teams, Viva Connections and SharePoint – Build 2021 session – Vesa Juvonen (Microsoft)
- SharePoint Framework documentation – Will be including Viva Connections cards tutorials when 1.13 beta is released
- CLI for Microsoft 365 – SharePoint Framework Upgrade tooling from previous versions to latest
- SharePoint Framework tutorial for getting started
- SharePoint Framework web part samples
If you are looking into building experiences for Microsoft 365, we strongly recommend on joining our community calls and other Microsoft 365 community activities. More details from https://aka.ms/m365pnp.
Happy coding! Sharing is caring!