April 13th, 2020

Announcing “A Lap Around Microsoft Graph Toolkit” Blog Series

For the next two months, we will publish articles that aim to introduce developers to Microsoft Graph Toolkit. Microsoft Graph Toolkit is a collection of reusable, framework-agnostic web components and helpers for accessing and working with Microsoft Graph. Season 1 premiers on April 13th and runs until May 4th. We’ll publish two articles per week, leading to our favorite developer conference Build. Season 2 will follow Build to continue to provide in-depth content and samples starting on May 21st.

We will have content that covers 0-level to 200-level topics . Each post should take you 5-15 minutes to read and is followed by a sample exercise. You will need some basic Microsoft Graph knowledge to follow along. We hope that beginners will quickly pick up the content and that experts will also learn a few new things.

How to follow:

Please be sure to bookmark this page (https://aka.ms/mgtLap) as the below list of topics will updated as each blog post is published. We have a GitHub repo with each of the Try It Out exercises from posts. If you need to catch up on Microsoft Graph knowledge, checkout this great series “30 Days of Microsoft Graph”.

What’s in Season 2

Season 2 is action-packed! We’ll start with a series of posts on auth providers.  We’ll also have some real-world use cases built by Microsoft partners. We’ll close the season with two samples, one for React and one for Angular, to help you get started using Microsoft Graph Toolkit with these well-known frameworks. Here is the full list of Season 2’s posts and posting dates:

Who are we?

We are a collection of Microsoft FTEs and MVPs (alphabetical by last name)

Prerequisites and Resources

In preparation for the blog post series, we recommend having the following tools installed:

Let’s get social!

Please help us spread the word and share this series with others. You can use this short link (https://aka.ms/mgtLap). Tag us with #MSGraphToolkitLap.

Share your feedback

We greatly appreciate your feedback as we reflect on lessons learned, what went well, and what we can do to improve this experience for future projects. Please take a few minutes to share your feedback and suggestions on anything and everything related to this series!

