April 15th, 2020

A Lap around Microsoft Graph Toolkit Day 2 – Zero to Hero

Welcome to Day 2 of the A Lap Around Microsoft Graph Toolkit blog series! Today’s blog post will walk you through the setup needed to follow the samples and exercises throughout the blog series and show you how to get started using Microsoft Graph Toolkit in your application. For today’s exercise, we’ll be creating a simple web application that allows a user to sign in and view their calendar events.

example of simple application built with Microsoft Graph Toolkit

Setup your development environment

Join the Microsoft 365 Developer Program and create a developer subscription

The samples in this blog series will be easiest to follow when using a tenant where you have admin access. We strongly recommend creating a Microsoft 365 developer subscription which gives you access to a demo tenant with you as the Global Administrator for development purposes.

  1. Join the Microsoft 365 Developer Program
  2. Setup a developer subscription

Download tools

To follow along with the samples, you will need the tools listed below. If you don’t have them already, you can install them from these links.

  1. A text editor or IDE. You can install and use Visual Studio Code for free.
  2. Live Server or a similar lightweight development server.

Register your application

To follow along with the exercises in this blog series, you will need to create a new Azure AD web application registration in the Azure Portal.

  1. Login to the Azure Portal using the account you created with your developer subscription.
  2. Select Azure Active Directory in the left-hand navigation, then select App registrations under Manage and click New registration.
  3. On the Register an application page, set the following values:
    • Set Name to MGT Zero to Hero (or any name you would like for your application)
    • Set Supported account types to Accounts in any organizational directory
    • Under Redirect URI, set the drop-down to Web and set the value to http://localhost:3000/

Register an Azure AD Application

4. Click Register. Locate your application (client) ID. You will need to reference this later. You can use this client ID for this sample as well as any other samples throughout the blog series.

location of your Application Client ID in the Azure AD portal

5. Under Manage on the left-hand navigation, select Authentication. Locate the Implicit Grant section and enable both Access tokens and ID tokens, then click Save.

how to configure authentication for your application

Create your application

  1. In the directory of your choice, create a folder for your project.
  2. Add an index.html file to the root of your project folder and add the basic construction of an HTML file, as shown below, and save the file.
    <!DOCTYPE html>
         <title>Welcome to MGT!</title>
  3. Add a folder named .vscode  to the root of your project folder and add a file named settings.json  inside of that folder. Copy and paste the below code into settings.json  and save the file.
        "liveServer.settings.host": "localhost",
        "liveServer.settings.port": 3000

    configure live-server settings

  4. Right click on the index.html file in the Explorer pane and click Open with Live Server. The server will start and automatically open your index.html  page in your default browser at http://localhost:3000. Your page will automatically refresh to display any changes you make from now on.
  5. You should now see “Welcome to MGT!” in the browser.

using live server to to open your application in the browser

Add Microsoft Graph Toolkit to your application

Now, you will add Microsoft Graph Toolkit to your application. In this sample, we will reference the loader directly via unpkg. Add the following code inside the head of your HTML.

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@microsoft/mgt/dist/bundle/mgt-loader.js"></script>

Note: MGT can also be added by installing the npm package if you’re using Node.js. To do this, add the npm package:

npm install @microsoft/mgt

And reference the components:

<script src=”node_modules/@microsoft/mgt/dist/es6/components.js></script

Add the MSAL Provider 

The Microsoft Graph Toolkit providers enable authentication and Microsoft Graph access for the components. We have a number of providers available, but for this example we’ll be using the MSAL provider which uses MSAL.js to sign in users. 

Add the MSAL provider by adding the following line to the body of your HTML. 

<mgt-msal-provider client-id="[YOUR-CLIENT-ID]"></mgt-msal-provider>

Replace [YOUR-CLIENT-ID] with your application(client) ID that you saved in step 4 of the Register your application section above. 

Add the login component

Now, you will add the login component to your application. Add the following line to your index.html file right after the MSAL provider.


Your index.html file should now look like this:

<!DOCTYPE html>

        <script src=node_modules/@microsoft/mgt/dist/es6/components.js></script>
        <title>Welcome to MGT!</title>
         <mgt-msal-providet client-id=”[YOUR-CLIENT-ID]”></mgt-msal-provider>

Save the file and once your application refreshes, you should see a sign in button. When clicked, it will take you through the authentication flow then redirect you back to your home page. The component will show your profile information to indicate that you’re signed in, and you can click the component to sign out.

Microsoft Graph Toolkit Login component

Add additional components

Now that you’ve successfully created a login experience that authenticates a user, you can add any of the other components to your application. In the example below, we’ve added the agenda component to display the signed-in user’s upcoming calendar events.


Microsoft Graph Toolkit Login and Agenda components

Super easy, right? It only took a couple lines of code! Microsoft Graph Toolkit makes it quick and easy to integrate Microsoft 365 experiences like these into your application with very little code.

Tune in for the next post in the series on April 20th where we will cover all of the components in MGT and their features.

