October 23rd, 2017

Open Sourcing the Java Debugger for Visual Studio Code

Xiaokai He
Senior Program Manager

Since we first released our Java Debugger extension for Visual Studio Code on September 28, it quickly became the most trending extension of the month. And of course, lots of feedback and suggestions were submitted from our active developer community. You shared, we listened. In this quick follow up release, we’re open sourcing both our Java Debugger Extension as well as the backend Java Debug Server, along with publishing a few feature improvements and bug fixes. Please try our latest Java debugger extension and make Visual Studio Code a better place for Java developers together.

No need to specify main class anymore

We have added a new feature to automatically resolve main class of the project, you no longer need to fill these values manually.

Resolve Main Class

Fully supported external source files

With this feature, you can now also debug with third-party classes, when the source code is inside a JAR or a source attachment. And you can also set breakpoint in those classes ahead of debugging.

External Source

Other changes

This new release also includes the following updates

  1. We have adopted to the new Visual Studio Code Debug protocol.
  2. This latest release displays stackframe name with format ClassName.MethodName(ParameterList).
  3. There are improvements in the call stack display info for files without sources.
  4. Bug fixes.

You can find more details in our changelog.

Try it out

If you’re trying to find a performant editor for your Java project, please try this extension and let us know what you think.


Xiaokai He
Senior Program Manager

Xiaokai is the program manager working on Java developer tools and services at Microsoft. He’s currently focusing on making Visual Studio Code great for Java developers, as well as supporting Java in various of cloud services in Azure.


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