April 1st, 2019

Azure IoT Device Workbench bumped to 0.2.6 with more cool samples and huge performance improvement

It’s April the Fool but this is real. We made a huge performance improvement by reduing the extension load-up time 10 times faster. Here are what’s new for Azure IoT Device Workbench 0.2.6:

What’s new

  1. New sample:  “IoT Devkit Dictionary”. Using Microsoft Cognitive Service in IoT devices is always an interesting topic. In this example, you will learn how to build a dictionary on IoT DevKit that use Azure Speech Service and Oxford dictionaries API.
  2. New sample: “MXChip and Cloud controlled Fan”. Another great sample that shows how to connect IoT Devkit with external devices. Contributed by our Senior Cloud Advocator Jim Bennett (Thank you!). It could keep yourself cool with an internet connected fan that turns on when the temperature rises and turns off when it cools. You can even configure the temperature at which it comes on via the internet or a mobile app. A nice way to get prepared for the heat wave like last summer.
  3. Performance improvement. One of the common feedback from community is the performance, especially with more features come to the Device Workbench. We adopted lazy load in the version to defer the loading of component that are not mandatory at loading time of the extension. And by doing this, the startup time is now less than 1 second which is over 10 times faster than previous version.
  4. Also some documentation improvement along with above items we updated to address user’s feedback. Such as more detailed steps for provisioning Azure IoT services, and an explanation of the code for the Getting Started tutorial of the MXChip IoT DevKit.

Suggestions and Feedback

Azure IoT Device Workbench project is open-sourced on Github. If you have any feature request or encounter any issues during your daily usage, don’t hesitate to create issue on our Github repository. We are all ears. And soon we will have some more exciting features to be unvealed, stay tuned!



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