Welcome to the Microsoft Entra Identity Developer Blog! We are glad to have a space to collaborate directly with you – our developers on this platform. We will share Microsoft Identity related topics pertaining to application development and management. Learn about how identity plays a role in your end-to-end development scenarios, the efforts we are making in identity standards, events you can learn from, ways you can join the developer community and contribute to the platform. We will also share case studies from developers on how they are making their most on the Microsoft Identity Platform.
Key dates
Here’s a quick snapshot of the dates we are tracking towards:
Monthly – Developer public community call: Join the series to stay updated around the latest platform updates, download the calendar invitation from https://aka.ms/IDDEVCommunityCall.
Monthly (until April, 2023) – Identity Developer Workshop: Developer workshop on Microsoft identity platform is a great opportunity to learn how to integrate your apps. Sign up here.
June 30, 2023 – ADAL retirement: ADAL end of life was extended to June 30, 2023, no support or security fixes will be provided past end-of-life, so prioritize migration to Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL). Check Migrate to the Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) for guidance and visit What’s deprecated in Azure Active Directory? for important details on this change.
June 30, 2023 – Azure AD Graph deprecation: Three years after the original announcement, Azure AD Graph will continue to function until June 30, 2023. Investments in new features and functionalities will only be made in Microsoft Graph, check Migrate Azure AD Graph apps to Microsoft Graph for migration information, and visit What’s deprecated in Azure Active Directory? for important details on this change.
June 30, 2023 – PowerShell deprecation: We extended the deprecation date of the three PowerShell Modules: Azure AD, Azure AD Preview, and MS Online. The modules will continue to work with minimal investment, apart from security updates. Check Migrate from Azure AD PowerShell to the Microsoft Graph PowerShell SDK for migration information, and visit What’s deprecated in Azure Active Directory? for important details on this change.
Visit What’s deprecated in Azure Active Directory? for information about all deprecations.
Check the events page to find about all opportunities to connect with us! Events page
Key links
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I’m looking forward to get my identity fix here 🙂
Thank you Andreas! Appreciate your immense contribution to our community. Cheers!
I wish this community goes a long way ahead.
Happy to connect and collaborate.
My Linkedin
Thank you! We hope so too!