June 7th, 2022

Performance Improvements in .NET MAUI

Jonathan Peppers
Principal Software Engineer

.NET Multi-platform App UI (MAUI) unifies Android, iOS, macOS, and Windows APIs into a single API so you can write one app that runs natively on many platforms. We are focused on improving both your daily productivity as well as performance of your applications. Gains in developer productivity, we believe, should not be at the cost of application performance.

The same could be said about application size — what overhead is present in a blank .NET MAUI application? When we began optimizing .NET MAUI, it was clear that iOS had some work needed to improve application size, while Android was lacking in startup performance.

iOS application size of a dotnet new maui project was originally around 18MB. Likewise .NET MAUI startup times on Android in earlier previews were not looking too good:

Application Framework Startup Time(ms)
Xamarin.Android Xamarin 306.5
Xamarin.Forms Xamarin 498.6
Xamarin.Forms (Shell) Xamarin 817.7
dotnet new android .NET 6 (Early Preview) 210.5
dotnet new maui .NET 6 (Early Preview) 683.9
.NET Podcast .NET 6 (Early Preview) 1299.9

This is an average of ten runs on a Pixel 5 device. See our maui-profiling repo for details on how these numbers were obtained.

Our goal was for .NET MAUI to be faster than its predecessor, Xamarin.Forms, and it was clear that we had some work to do in .NET MAUI itself. The dotnet new android template was already shaping up to launch faster than Xamarin.Android, mostly due to the new BCL and Mono runtime in .NET 6.

The dotnet new maui template was not yet using the Shell navigation pattern, but plans were in the works for it to be the default navigation pattern in .NET MAUI. We knew there would be a performance-hit in the template when we adopted this change.

To arrive at where we are today, it was a collaboration of several different teams. We improved areas like Microsoft.Extensions and DependencyInjection usage, AOT compilation, Java interop, XAML, code in .NET MAUI in general, and many more.

After the dust settled, we arrived at a much better place:

Application Framework Startup Time(ms)
Xamarin.Android Xamarin 306.5
Xamarin.Forms Xamarin 498.6
Xamarin.Forms (Shell) Xamarin 817.7
dotnet new android .NET 6 (MAUI GA) 182.8
dotnet new maui (No Shell**) .NET 6 (MAUI GA) 464.2
dotnet new maui (Shell) .NET 6 (MAUI GA) 568.1
.NET Podcast App (Shell) .NET 6 (MAUI GA) 814.2

** – this is the original dotnet new maui template that is not using Shell.

Details below, enjoy!

Table Of Contents

Startup Performance Improvements

App Size Improvements

Improvements in the .NET Podcast Sample

Experimental or Advanced Options

Startup Performance Improvements

Profiling on Mobile

I have to mention the .NET diagnostic tooling available for mobile platforms, as it was our step number 0 for making .NET MAUI faster.

Profiling .NET 6 Android applications requires usage of a tool called dotnet-dsrouter. This tool enables dotnet trace to connect to a running mobile application on Android, iOS, etc. This was probably the most impactful tool we used for profiling .NET MAUI.

To get started with dotnet trace and dsrouter, begin by configuring some settings via adb and launching dsrouter:

adb reverse tcp:9000 tcp:9001
adb shell setprop debug.mono.profile ',suspend'
dotnet-dsrouter client-server -tcps -ipcc /tmp/maui-app --verbose debug

Next launch dotnet trace, such as:

dotnet-trace collect --diagnostic-port /tmp/maui-app --format speedscope

After launching an Android app built with -c Release and -p:AndroidEnableProfiler=true, you’ll notice the connection when dotnet trace outputs:

Press <Enter> or <Ctrl+C> to exit...812  (KB)

Simply press enter after your application is fully launched to get a *.speedscope saved in the current directory. You can open this file at https://speedscope.app, for an in-depth look into the time each method takes during application startup:

speedscope view

speedscope view

See our documentation for further details using dotnet trace in Android applications. I would recommend profiling Release builds on a physical Android device to get the best picture of the real-world performance of your app.

Measuring Over Time

Our friends in the .NET fundamentals team setup a pipeline to track .NET MAUI performance scenarios, such as:

  • Package size
  • On disk size (uncompressed)
  • Individual file breakdown
  • Application startup

This allowed us to see the impact of improvements or regressions over time, seeing numbers for each commit of the dotnet/maui repo. We could also determine if the difference was caused by changes in xamarin-android, xamarin-macios, or dotnet/runtime.

So for example, a graph of startup time (in milliseconds) of the dotnet new maui template, running on a physical Pixel 4a device:

graph of startup .NET MAUI template

Note that the Pixel 4a is considerably slower than the Pixel 5.

We could pinpoint the commit in dotnet/maui where regressions and improvements occurred. It can’t be understated how useful this was for tracking our goals.

Likewise, we could see our progress in the .NET Podcast app over time on the same Pixel 4a device(s):

graph of startup .NET Podcast sample

This graph was our true focus, as it was a “real application” close to what developers would see in their own mobile apps.

As for application size, it is a much more stable number — making it very easy to zero in when things got worse or better:

graph of app size .NET Podcast sample

See dotnet-podcasts#58, AndroidX#520, and dotnet/maui#6419 for details on these improvements.

Profiled AOT

During our initial performance tests of .NET MAUI, we saw how JIT (just in time) vs AOT (ahead of time) compiled code can perform:

Application JIT Time(ms) AOT Time(ms)
dotnet new maui 1078.0ms 683.9ms

JIT-ing happens the first time each C# method is called, which implicitly impacts startup performance in mobile applications.

Also problematic is the app size increase caused by AOT. An Android native library is added to the final app for every .NET assembly. To give the best of both worlds, startup tracing or Profiled AOT is a current feature of Xamarin.Android. This is a mechanism for AOT’ing the startup path of applications, which improves launch times significantly with only a modest app size increase.

It made complete sense for this to be the default option for Release builds in .NET 6. In the past, the Android NDK was required (a multiple gigabyte download) for doing AOT of any kind with Xamarin.Android. We did the legwork for building AOT’d applications without an Android NDK installed, making it possible to be the default going forward.

We recorded built-in profiles for dotnet new android, maui, and maui-blazor templates that benefit most applications. If you would like to record a custom profile in .NET 6, you can try our experimental Mono.Profiler.Android package. We are working on full support for recording custom profiles in a future .NET release.

See xamarin-android#6547 and dotnet/maui#4859 for details about this improvement.

Single-file Assembly Stores

Previously, if you reviewed a Release Android .apk contents in your favorite zip-file utility, you can see .NET assemblies located at:


These files were loaded individually with the mmap system call, which was a cost per .NET assembly inside the app. This is implemented in C/C++ in the Android workload, using a callback that the Mono runtime provides for assembly loading. MAUI applications have a lot of assemblies, so we introduced a new $(AndroidUseAssemblyStore) feature that is enabled by default for Release builds.

After this change, you end up with:


Now Android startup only has to call mmap twice: once for assemblies.blob, and a second time for the architecture-specific blob. This had a noticeable impact on applications with many .NET assemblies.

If you need to inspect the IL, of these assemblies from a compiled Android application, we created an assembly-store-reader tool for “unpacking” these files.

Another option is to build your application with these settings disabled:

dotnet build -c Release -p:AndroidUseAssemblyStore=false -p:AndroidEnableAssemblyCompression=false

This allows you to be able to unzip the resulting .apk with your favorite zip utility and inspect the .NET assemblies with a tool like ILSpy. This is a good way to diagnose trimmer/linker issues.

See xamarin-android#6311 for details about this improvement.

Spanify RegisterNativeMembers

When a C# object is created from Java, a small Java wrapper is invoked, such as:

public class MainActivity extends android.app.Activity
    public static final String methods;
    static {
        methods = "n_onCreate:(Landroid/os/Bundle;)V:GetOnCreate_Landroid_os_Bundle_Handler\n";
        mono.android.Runtime.register ("foo.MainActivity, foo", MainActivity.class, methods);

The list of methods is a \n and :-delimited list of Java Native Interface (JNI) signatures that are overridden in managed C# code. You get one of these for each Java method that is overridden in C#.

When the actual Java onCreate() method is called for an Android Activity:

public void onCreate (android.os.Bundle p0)
    n_onCreate (p0);

private native void n_onCreate (android.os.Bundle p0);

Through various magic and hand waving, n_onCreate calls into the Mono runtime and invokes our OnCreate() method in C#.

The code splitting the \n and :-delimited list of methods was written in the early days of Xamarin using string.Split(). Suffice to say Span<T> didn’t exist back then, but we can use it now! This improves the cost of any C# class that subclasses a Java class, so it is a wider reaching improvement than just .NET MAUI.

You might ask, “why use strings at all?” Using Java arrays appears to have a worse performance impact than delimited strings. In our testing calling into JNI to get Java array elements, performs worse than string.Split and our new usage of Span. We have some ideas on how we can re-architect this in future .NET releases.

In addition to .NET 6, this change shipped in the latest version of Xamarin.Android for current customers.

See xamarin-android#6708 for details about this improvement.

System.Reflection.Emit and Constructors

Since the early days of Xamarin, we had a somewhat complicated method for invoking C# constructors from Java.

First, we had some reflection calls that happen once on startup:

static MethodInfo newobject = typeof (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeHelpers).GetMethod ("GetUninitializedObject", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)!;
static MethodInfo gettype = typeof (System.Type).GetMethod ("GetTypeFromHandle", BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Static)!;
static FieldInfo handle = typeof (Java.Lang.Object).GetField ("handle", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance)!;

This appears to be leftover from very early versions of Mono and has just persisted to this day. RuntimeHelpers.GetUninitializedObject(), for example can be called directly.

Followed by some complex System.Reflection.Emit usage with a passed in System.Reflection.ConstructorInfo cinfo instance:

DynamicMethod method = new DynamicMethod (DynamicMethodNameCounter.GetUniqueName (), typeof (void), new Type [] {typeof (IntPtr), typeof (object []) }, typeof (DynamicMethodNameCounter), true);
ILGenerator il = method.GetILGenerator ();

il.DeclareLocal (typeof (object));

il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldtoken, type);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Call, gettype);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Call, newobject);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc_0);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc_0);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg_0);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Stfld, handle);

il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc_0);

var len = cinfo.GetParameters ().Length;
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg, 1);
    il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4, i);
    il.Emit (OpCodes.Ldelem_Ref);
il.Emit (OpCodes.Call, cinfo);

il.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);

return (Action<IntPtr, object?[]?>) method.CreateDelegate (typeof (Action <IntPtr, object []>));

We call the delegate returned, such that the IntPtr is the Handle of the Java.Lang.Object subclass and the object[] are any parameters for that particular C# constructor. System.Reflection.Emit has a significant cost for both the first use of it on startup, as well as each future call.

After some careful review, we could make the handle field internal, and simplify this code to:

var newobj = RuntimeHelpers.GetUninitializedObject (cinfo.DeclaringType);
if (newobj is Java.Lang.Object o) {
    o.handle = jobject;
} else if (newobj is Java.Lang.Throwable throwable) {
    throwable.handle = jobject;
} else {
    throw new InvalidOperationException ($"Unsupported type: '{newobj}'");
cinfo.Invoke (newobj, parms);

What this code does is create an object without calling the constructor (ok weird?), set the handle field, and then invoke the constructor. This is done so that the Handle is valid on any Java.Lang.Object when the C# constructor begins. The Handle would be needed for any Java interop inside the constructor (like calling other Java methods on the class) as well as calling any base Java constructors.

The new code significantly improved any C# constructor called from Java, so this particular change improves more than just .NET MAUI. In addition to .NET 6, this change shipped in the latest version of Xamarin.Android for current customers.

See xamarin-android#6766 for details about this improvement.

System.Reflection.Emit and Methods

When you override a Java method in C#, such as:

public class MainActivity : Activity
    protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)

In the transition from Java to C#, we have to wrap the C# method to handle exceptions such as:

    // Call the actual C# method here
catch (Exception e) when (_unhandled_exception (e))
    AndroidEnvironment.UnhandledException (e);
    if (Debugger.IsAttached || !JNIEnv.PropagateExceptions)

If a managed exception is unhandled in OnCreate(), for example, then you actually end up with a native crash (and no managed C# stack trace). We need to make sure the debugger can break on the exception if it is attached, and log the C# stack trace otherwise.

Since the beginning of Xamarin, the above code was generated via System.Reflection.Emit:

var dynamic = new DynamicMethod (DynamicMethodNameCounter.GetUniqueName (), ret_type, param_types, typeof (DynamicMethodNameCounter), true);
var ig = dynamic.GetILGenerator ();

LocalBuilder? retval = null;
if (ret_type != typeof (void))
    retval = ig.DeclareLocal (ret_type);

ig.Emit (OpCodes.Call, wait_for_bridge_processing_method!);

var label = ig.BeginExceptionBlock ();

for (int i = 0; i < param_types.Length; i++)
    ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldarg, i);
ig.Emit (OpCodes.Call, dlg.Method);

if (retval != null)
    ig.Emit (OpCodes.Stloc, retval);

ig.Emit (OpCodes.Leave, label);

bool  filter = Debugger.IsAttached || !JNIEnv.PropagateExceptions;
if (filter && JNIEnv.mono_unhandled_exception_method != null) {
    ig.BeginExceptFilterBlock ();

    ig.Emit (OpCodes.Call, JNIEnv.mono_unhandled_exception_method);
    ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldc_I4_1);
    ig.BeginCatchBlock (null!);
} else {
    ig.BeginCatchBlock (typeof (Exception));

ig.Emit (OpCodes.Dup);
ig.Emit (OpCodes.Call, exception_handler_method!);

if (filter)
    ig.Emit (OpCodes.Throw);

ig.EndExceptionBlock ();

if (retval != null)
    ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ldloc, retval);

ig.Emit (OpCodes.Ret);

This code is called twice for a dotnet new android app, but ~58 times for a dotnet new maui app!

Instead using System.Reflection.Emit, we realized we could actually write a strongly-typed “fast path” for each common delegate type. There is a generated delegate that matches each signature:

void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState);

// Maps to *JNIEnv, JavaClass, Bundle
// Internal to each assembly
internal delegate void _JniMarshal_PPL_V(IntPtr, IntPtr, IntPtr);

So we could list every signature used by dotnet maui apps, such as:

class JNINativeWrapper
    static Delegate? CreateBuiltInDelegate (Delegate dlg, Type delegateType)
        switch (delegateType.Name)
            // Unsafe.As<T>() is used, because _JniMarshal_PPL_V is generated internal in each assembly
            case nameof (_JniMarshal_PPL_V):
                return new _JniMarshal_PPL_V (Unsafe.As<_JniMarshal_PPL_V> (dlg).Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V);
            // etc.
        return null;

    // Static extension method is generated to avoid capturing variables in anonymous methods
    internal static void Wrap_JniMarshal_PPL_V (this _JniMarshal_PPL_V callback, IntPtr jnienv, IntPtr klazz, IntPtr p0)
        // ...

The drawback to this approach is that we have to list more cases when a new signature is used. We don’t want to exhaustively list every combination, as this will cause IL-size to grow. We are investigating how to improve this in future .NET releases.

See xamarin-android#6657 and xamarin-android#6707 for details about this improvement.

Newer Java.Interop APIs

The original Xamarin APIs in Java.Interop.dll, are APIs such as:

  • JNIEnv.CallStaticObjectMethod

Where the “new way” to call into Java makes fewer memory allocations per call:

  • JniEnvironment.StaticMethods.CallStaticObjectMethod

When C# bindings are generated for Java methods at build time, the newer/faster methods are used by default — and have been for some time in Xamarin.Android. Previously, Java binding projects could set $(AndroidCodegenTarget) to XAJavaInterop1, which caches and reuses jmethodID instances on each call. See the java.interop repo for the history on this feature.

The remaining places that this is an issue, are anywhere we have “manual” bindings. These tend to also be frequently used methods, so it was worthwhile to fix these!

Some examples of improving this situation:

Multi-dimensional Java Arrays

When passing C# arrays back and forth to Java, an intermediate step has to copy the array so the appropriate runtime can access it. This is really a developer experience situation, as C# developers expect to write something like:

var array = new int[] { 1, 2, 3, 4};
MyJavaMethod (array);

Where inside MyJavaMethod would do:

IntPtr native_items = JNIEnv.NewArray (items);
    // p/invoke here, actually calls into Java
    if (items != null)
        JNIEnv.CopyArray (native_items, items); // If the calling method mutates the array
        JNIEnv.DeleteLocalRef (native_items); // Delete our Java local reference

JNIEnv.NewArray() accesses a “type map” to know which Java class needs to be used for the elements of the array.

A particular Android API used by dotnet new maui projects was problematic:

public ColorStateList (int[][]? states, int[]? colors)

A multi-dimensional int[][] array was found to access the “type map” for each element. We could see this when enabling additional logging, many instances of:

monodroid: typemap: failed to map managed type to Java type: System.Int32, System.Private.CoreLib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e (Module ID: 8e4cd939-3275-41c4-968d-d5a4376b35f5; Type token: 33554653)
monodroid-assembly: typemap: called from
monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNIEnv.TypemapManagedToJava(Type )
monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNIEnv.GetJniName(Type )
monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNIEnv.FindClass(Type )
monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNIEnv.NewArray(Array , Type )
monodroid-assembly: at Android.Runtime.JNIEnv.NewArray[Int32[]](Int32[][] )
monodroid-assembly: at Android.Content.Res.ColorStateList..ctor(Int32[][] , Int32[] )
monodroid-assembly: at Microsoft.Maui.Platform.ColorStateListExtensions.CreateButton(Int32 enabled, Int32 disabled, Int32 off, Int32 pressed)

For this case, we should be able to call JNIEnv.FindClass() once and reuse this value for each item in the array!

We are investigating how to improve this further in future .NET releases. One such example would be dotnet/maui#5654, where we are simply looking into creating the arrays completely in Java instead.

See xamarin-android#6870 for details about this improvement.

Use Glide for Android Images

Glide is the recommended image-loading library for modern Android applications. Google documentation even recommends using it, because the built-in Android Bitmap class can be painfully difficult to use correctly. glidex.forms was a prototype for using Glide in Xamarin.Forms, but we promoted Glide to be “the way” to load images in .NET MAUI going forward.

To reduce the overhead of JNI interop, .NET MAUI’s Glide implementation is mostly written in Java, such as:

import com.bumptech.glide.Glide;
public static void loadImageFromUri(ImageView imageView, String uri, Boolean cachingEnabled, ImageLoaderCallback callback) {
    RequestBuilder<Drawable> builder = Glide
    loadInto(builder, imageView, cachingEnabled, callback);

Where ImageLoaderCallback is subclassed in C# to handle completion in managed code. The result is that the performance of images from the web should be significantly improved from what you got previously in Xamarin.Forms.

See dotnet/maui#759 and dotnet/maui#5198 for details about this improvement.

Reduce Java Interop Calls

Let’s say you have the following Java APIs:

public void setFoo(int foo);
public void setBar(int bar);

The interop for these methods look something like:

public unsafe static void SetFoo(int foo)
    JniArgumentValue* __args = stackalloc JniArgumentValue[1];
    __args[0] = new JniArgumentValue(foo);
    return _members.StaticMethods.InvokeInt32Method("setFoo.(I)V", __args);

public unsafe static void SetBar(int bar)
    JniArgumentValue* __args = stackalloc JniArgumentValue[1];
    __args[0] = new JniArgumentValue(bar);
    return _members.StaticMethods.InvokeInt32Method("setBar.(I)V", __args);

So calling both of these methods would stackalloc twice and p/invoke twice. It would be more performant to create a small Java wrapper, such as:

public void setFooAndBar(int foo, int bar)

Which translates to:

public unsafe static void SetFooAndBar(int foo, int bar)
    JniArgumentValue* __args = stackalloc JniArgumentValue[2];
    __args[0] = new JniArgumentValue(foo);
    __args[1] = new JniArgumentValue(bar);
    return _members.StaticMethods.InvokeInt32Method("setFooAndBar.(II)V", __args);

.NET MAUI views are essentially C# objects with lots of properties that need to be set in Java in this exact same way. If we apply this concept to every Android View in .NET MAUI, we can create an ~18 argument method to be used on View creation. Subsequent property changes can can call the standard Android APIs directly.

This had a dramatic increase in performance, for even very simple .NET MAUI controls:

Method Mean Error StdDev Gen 0 Allocated
Border (before) 323.2 µs 0.82 µs 0.68 µs 0.9766 5 KB
Border (after) 242.3 µs 1.34 µs 1.25 µs 0.9766 5 KB
ContentView (before) 354.6 µs 2.61 µs 2.31 µs 1.4648 6 KB
ContentView (after) 258.3 µs 0.49 µs 0.43 µs 1.4648 6 KB

See dotnet/maui#3372 for details about this improvement.

Port Android XML to Java

Reviewing dotnet trace output on Android, we can see a reasonable amount of time spent in:

20.32.ms mono.android!Android.Views.LayoutInflater.Inflate

Reviewing the stack trace, the time is actually spent in Android/Java to inflate the layout, and no work is happening on the .NET side.

If you look at a compiled Android .apk and res/layouts/bottomtablayout.axml in Android Studio, the XML is just plain XML. Only a few identifiers are transformed to integers. This means Android has to parse this XML and create Java objects through Java’s reflection APIs — it seemed like we could get faster performance by not using XML?

Testing a standard BenchmarkDotNet comparison, we found that the use of Android layouts performed worse even than C# when interop is involved:

Method Mean Error StdDev Allocated
Java 338.4 µs 4.21 µs 3.52 µs 744 B
CSharp 410.2 µs 7.92 µs 6.61 µs 1,336 B
XML 490.0 µs 7.77 µs 7.27 µs 2,321 B

Next, we configured BenchmarkDotNet to do a single run, to better simulate what would happen on startup:

Method Mean
Java 4.619 ms
CSharp 37.337 ms
XML 39.364 ms

We looked at one of the simpler layouts in .NET MAUI, bottom tab navigation:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    android:layout_weight="1" />
    android:layout_height="wrap_content" />

We could port this to four Java methods, such as:

public static List<View> createBottomTabLayout(Context context, int navigationStyle);
public static LinearLayout createLinearLayout(Context context);
public static FrameLayout createFrameLayout(Context context, LinearLayout layout);
public static BottomNavigationView createNavigationBar(Context context, int navigationStyle, FrameLayout bottom)

This allows us to only cross from C# into Java four times when creating bottom tab navigation on Android. It also allows the Android OS to skip loading and parsing an .xml to “inflate” Java objects. We carried this idea throughout dotnet/maui removing all LayoutInflater.Inflate() calls on startup.

See dotnet/maui#5424, dotnet/maui#5493, and dotnet/maui#5528 for details about these improvements.

Remove Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting

Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting provides a .NET Generic Host for managing dependency injection, logging, configuration, and application lifecycle within a .NET application. This has an impact to startup times that did not seem appropriate for mobile applications.

It made sense to remove Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting usage from .NET MAUI. Instead of trying to interoperate with the “Generic Host” to build the DI container, .NET MAUI has its own simple implementation that is optimized for mobile startup. Additionally, .NET MAUI no longer adds logging providers by default.

With this change, we saw reduction in startup time of a dotnet new maui Android app between 5-10%. And it reduces the size of the same app on iOS from 19.2 MB => 18.0 MB.

See dotnet/maui#4505 and dotnet/maui#4545 for details about this improvement.

Less Shell Initialization on Startup

Xamarin.Forms Shell is a pattern for navigation in cross-platform applications. This pattern was brought forward to .NET MAUI, where it is recommended as the default way for building applications.

As we discovered the cost of using Shell in startup (for both Xamarin.Forms and .NET MAUI), we found a couple places to optimize:

  • Don’t parse routes on startup — wait until a navigation occurs that would need them.
  • If no query strings have been supplied for navigation then just skip the code that processes query strings. This removes a code path that uses System.Reflection heavily.
  • If the page doesn’t have a visible BottomNavigationView, then don’t setup the menu items or any of the appearance elements.

See dotnet/maui#5262 for details about this improvement.

Fonts Should Not Use Temporary Files

A significant amount of time was spend in .NET MAUI apps loading fonts:

32.19ms Microsoft.Maui!Microsoft.Maui.FontManager.CreateTypeface(System.ValueTuple`3<string, Microsoft.Maui.FontWeight, bool>)

Reviewing the code, it was doing more work than needed:

  1. Saving AndroidAsset files to a temp folder.
  2. Use the Android API, Typeface.CreateFromFile() to load the file.

We can actually use the Typeface.CreateFromAsset() Android API directly and not use a temporary file at all.

See dotnet/maui#4933 for details about this improvement.

Compute OnPlatform at Compile-time

Usage of the {OnPlatform} markup extension:

<Label Text="Platform: " />
<Label Text="{OnPlatform Default=Unknown, Android=Android, iOS=iOS" />

…can actually be computed at compile-time, where the net6.0-android and net6.0-ios get the appropriate value. In a future .NET release, we will look into the same optimization for the <OnPlatform/> XML element.

See dotnet/maui#4829 and dotnet/maui#5611 for details about this improvement.

Use Compiled Converters in XAML

The following types are now converted at XAML compile time, instead of at runtime:

This results in better/faster generated IL from .xaml files.

Optimize Color Parsing

The original code for Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Color.Parse() could be rewritten to make better use of Span<T> and avoid string allocations.

Method Mean Error StdDev Gen 0 Allocated
Parse (before) 99.13 ns 0.281 ns 0.235 ns 0.0267 168 B
Parse (after) 52.54 ns 0.292 ns 0.259 ns 0.0051 32 B

Being able to use a switch-statement on ReadonlySpan<char> dotnet/csharplang#1881 will improve this case even further in a future .NET release.

See dotnet/Microsoft.Maui.Graphics#343 and dotnet/Microsoft.Maui.Graphics#345 for details about this improvement.

Don’t Use Culture-aware String Comparisons

Reviewing dotnet trace output of a dotnet new maui project showed the real cost of the first culture-aware string comparison on Android:

6.32ms Microsoft.Maui.Controls!Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellNavigationManager.GetNavigationState
3.82ms Microsoft.Maui.Controls!Microsoft.Maui.Controls.ShellUriHandler.FormatUri
3.82ms System.Private.CoreLib!System.String.StartsWith
2.57ms System.Private.CoreLib!System.Globalization.CultureInfo.get_CurrentCulture

Really, we did not even want to use a culture-aware comparison in this case — it was simply code brought over from Xamarin.Forms.

So for example if you have:

if (text.StartsWith("f"))
    // do something

In this case you can simply do this instead:

if (text.StartsWith("f", StringComparision.Ordinal))
    // do something

If done across an entire application, System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture can avoid being called, as well as improving the overall speed of this if-statement by a small amount.

To fix this situation across the entire dotnet/maui repo, we introduced code analysis rules to catch these:

dotnet_diagnostic.CA1307.severity = error
dotnet_diagnostic.CA1309.severity = error

See dotnet/maui#4988 for details about this improvement.

Create Loggers Lazily

The ConfigureFonts() API was spending a bit of time on startup doing work that could be deferred until later. We could also improve the general usage of the logging infrastructure in Microsoft.Extensions.

Some improvements we made were:

  • Defer creating “logger” classes until they are needed.
  • The built-in logging infrastructure is disabled by default, and has to be enabled explicitly.
  • Delay calling Path.GetTempPath() in Android’s EmbeddedFontLoader until it is needed.
  • Don’t use ILoggerFactory to create a generic logger. Instead get the ILogger service directly, so it is cached.

See dotnet/maui#5103 for details about this improvement.

Use Factory Methods for Dependency Injection

When using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection, registering services such as:

IServiceCollection services /* ... */;
services.TryAddSingleton<IFooService, FooService>();

Microsoft.Extensions has to do a bit of System.Reflection to create the first instance of FooService. This was noticeable in dotnet trace output on Android.

Instead if you do:

// If FooService has no dependencies
services.TryAddSingleton<IFooService>(sp => new FooService());
// Or if you need to retrieve some dependencies
services.TryAddSingleton<IFooService>(sp => new FooService(sp.GetService<IBar>()));

In this case, Microsoft.Extensions can simply call your lamdba/anonymous method and no System.Reflection is involved.

We made this improvement across all of dotnet/maui, as well as making use of BannedApiAnalyzers, so that no one would accidentally use the slower overload of TryAddSingleton() going forward.

See dotnet/maui#5290 for details about this improvement.

Default VerifyDependencyInjectionOpenGenericServiceTrimmability

The .NET Podcast sample was spending 4-7ms worth of time in:


The $(VerifyDependencyInjectionOpenGenericServiceTrimmability) MSBuild property triggers this method to run. This feature switch ensures that DynamicallyAccessedMembers are applied correctly to open generic types used in Dependency Injection.

In the base .NET SDK, this switch is enabled when PublishTrimmed=true. However, Android apps don’t set PublishTrimmed=true in Debug builds, so developers are missing out on this validation.

Conversely, in published apps, we don’t want to pay the cost of doing this validation. So this feature switch should be off in Release builds.

See xamarin-android#6727 and xamarin-macios#14130 for details about this improvement.

Load ConfigurationManager Lazily

System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager isn’t used by many mobile applications, and it turns out to be quite expensive to create one! (~7.59ms on Android, for example)

One ConfigurationManager was being created by default at startup in .NET MAUI, we can defer its creation using Lazy<T>, so it will not be created unless requested.

See dotnet/maui#5348 for details about this improvement.

Improve the Built-in AOT Profile

The Mono runtime has a report (see our documentation) for the JIT times of each method, such as:

Total(ms) | Self(ms) | Method
     3.51 |     3.51 | Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.GridLayoutManager/GridStructure:.ctor (Microsoft.Maui.IGridLayout,double,double)
     1.88 |     1.88 | Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.AppThemeBindingExtension/<>c__DisplayClass20_0:<Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.IMarkupExtension<Microsoft.Maui.Controls.BindingBase>.ProvideValue>g__minforetriever|0 ()
     1.66 |     1.66 | Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.OnIdiomExtension/<>c__DisplayClass32_0:<ProvideValue>g__minforetriever|0 ()
     1.54 |     1.54 | Microsoft.Maui.Converters.ThicknessTypeConverter:ConvertFrom (System.ComponentModel.ITypeDescriptorContext,System.Globalization.CultureInfo,object)

This was a selection of the top JIT-times in the .NET Podcast sample in a Release build using Profiled AOT. These seemed like commonly used APIs that developers would want to use in .NET MAUI applications.

To make sure these methods are in the AOT profile, we used these APIs in the “recorded app” we use in dotnet/maui:

 _ = new Microsoft.Maui.Layouts.GridLayoutManager(new Grid()).Measure(100, 100);
<SolidColorBrush x:Key="ProfiledAot_AppThemeBinding_Color" Color="{AppThemeBinding Default=Black}"/>
<CollectionView x:Key="ProfiledAot_CollectionView_OnIdiom_Thickness" Margin="{OnIdiom Default=1,1,1,1}" />

Calling these methods within this test application ensured they would be in the built-in .NET MAUI AOT profile.

After this change, we looked at an updated JIT report:

Total (ms) |  Self (ms) | Method
      2.61 |       2.61 | string:SplitInternal (string,string[],int,System.StringSplitOptions)
      1.57 |       1.57 | System.Number:NumberToString (System.Text.ValueStringBuilder&,System.Number/NumberBuffer&,char,int,System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo)
      1.52 |       1.52 | System.Number:TryParseInt32IntegerStyle (System.ReadOnlySpan`1<char>,System.Globalization.NumberStyles,System.Globalization.NumberFormatInfo,int&)

Which led to further additions to the profile:

var split = "foo;bar".Split(';');
var x = int.Parse("999");

We did similar changes for Color.Parse(), Connectivity.NetworkAccess, DeviceInfo.Idiom, and AppInfo.RequestedTheme that should be commonly used in .NET MAUI applications.

See dotnet/maui#5559, dotnet/maui#5682, and dotnet/maui#6834 for details about these improvements.

If you would like to record a custom AOT profile in .NET 6, you can try our experimental Mono.Profiler.Android package. We are working on full support for recording custom profiles in a future .NET release.

Enable Lazy-loading of AOT Images

Previously, the Mono runtime would load all AOT images at startup to verify the MVID of the managed .NET assembly (such as Foo.dll) matches the AOT image (libFoo.dll.so). In most .NET applications, some AOT images may not need to be loaded until later.

A new --aot-lazy-assembly-load or mono_opt_aot_lazy_assembly_load setting was introduced in Mono that the Android workload could opt into. We found this improved the startup of a dotnet new maui project on a Pixel 6 Pro by around 25ms.

This is enabled by default, but if desired you can disable this setting in your .csproj via:


See dotnet/runtime#67024 and xamarin-android#6940 for details about these improvements.

Remove Unused Encoding Object in System.Uri

dotnet trace output of a MAUI app, showed that around 7ms were spent loading UTF32 and Latin1 encodings the first time System.Uri APIs are used:

namespace System
    internal static class UriHelper
        internal static readonly Encoding s_noFallbackCharUTF8 = Encoding.GetEncoding(
            Encoding.UTF8.CodePage, new EncoderReplacementFallback(""), new DecoderReplacementFallback(""));

This field was left in place accidentally. Simply removing the s_noFallbackCharUTF8 field, improved startup for any .NET application using System.Uri or related APIs.

See dotnet/runtime#65326 for details about this improvement.

App Size Improvements

Fix defaults for MauiImage Sizes

The dotnet new maui template displays a friendly “.NET bot” image. This is implemented by using an .svg file as a MauiImage with the contents:

<svg width="419" height="519" viewBox="0 0 419 519" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<!-- everything else -->

By default, MauiImage uses the width and height values in the .svg as the “base size” of the image. Reviewing the build output showed these images are scaled to:

    appiconfg.png = 1824x1824
    dotnet_bot.png = 1676x2076

This seemed to be a bit oversized for Android devices? We can simply specify %(BaseSize) in the template, which also gives an example on how to choose an appropriate size for these images:

<!-- Splash Screen -->
<MauiSplashScreen Include="Resources\appiconfg.svg" Color="#512BD4" BaseSize="128,128" />

<!-- Images -->
<MauiImage Include="Resources\Images\*" />
<MauiImage Update="Resources\Images\dotnet_bot.svg" BaseSize="168,208" />

Which results in more appropriate sizes:

    appiconfg.png = 512x512
    dotnet_bot.png = 672x832

We also could have modified the .svg contents, but that may not be desirable depending on how a graphics designer would use this image in other design tools.

In another example, a 3008×5340 .jpg image:

<MauiImage Include="Resources\Images\large.jpg" />

…was being upscaled to 21360×12032! Setting Resize="false" would prevent the image from being resized, but we made this the default option for non-vector images. Going forward, developers should be able to rely on the default value or specify %(BaseSize) and %(Resize) as needed.

These changes improved startup performance as well as app size. See dotnet/maui#4759 and dotnet/maui#6419 for details about these improvements.

Remove Application.Properties and DataContractSerializer

Xamarin.Forms had an API for persisting key-value pairs through a Application.Properties dictionary. This used DataContractSerializer internally, which is not the best choice for mobile applications that are self-contained & trimmed. Parts of System.Xml from the BCL can be quite large, and we don’t want to pay for this cost in every .NET MAUI application.

Simply removing this API and all usage of DataContractSerializer resulted in a ~855KB improvement on Android and a ~1MB improvement on iOS.

See dotnet/maui#4976 for details about this improvement.

Trim Unused HTTP Implementations

The linker switch, System.Net.Http.UseNativeHttpHandler was not appropriately trimming away the underlying managed HTTP handler (SocketsHttpHandler). By default, AndroidMessageHandler and NSUrlSessionHandler are used to leverage the underlying Android and iOS networking stacks.

By fixing this, more IL code is able to be trimmed away in any .NET MAUI application. In one example, an Android application using HTTP was able to completely trim away several assemblies:

  • Microsoft.Win32.Primitives.dll
  • System.Formats.Asn1.dll
  • System.IO.Compression.Brotli.dll
  • System.Net.NameResolution.dll
  • System.Net.NetworkInformation.dll
  • System.Net.Quic.dll
  • System.Net.Security.dll
  • System.Net.Sockets.dll
  • System.Runtime.InteropServices.RuntimeInformation.dll
  • System.Runtime.Numerics.dll
  • System.Security.Cryptography.Encoding.dll
  • System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.dll
  • System.Threading.Channels.dll

See dotnet/runtime#64852, xamarin-android#6749, and xamarin-macios#14297 for details about this improvement.

Improvements in the .NET Podcast Sample

We made a few adjustments to the sample itself where the change was considered “best practice”.

Remove Microsoft.Extensions.Http Usage

Using Microsoft.Extensions.Http is too heavy-weight for mobile applications, and doesn’t provide any real value in this situation.

So instead of using DI for HttpClient:

builder.Services.AddHttpClient<ShowsService>(client => 
    client.BaseAddress = new Uri(Config.APIUrl);

// Then in the service ctor
public ShowsService(HttpClient httpClient, ListenLaterService listenLaterService)
    this.httpClient = httpClient;
    // ...

We simply create an HttpClient to be used within the service:

public ShowsService(ListenLaterService listenLaterService)
    this.httpClient = new HttpClient() { BaseAddress = new Uri(Config.APIUrl) };
    // ...

We would recommend using a single HttpClient instance per web service your application needs to interact with.

See dotnet/runtime#66863 and dotnet-podcasts#44 for details about this improvement.

Remove Newtonsoft.Json Usage

The .NET Podcast Sample was using a library called MonkeyCache that depends on Newtonsoft.Json. This is not a problem in itself, except that .NET MAUI + Blazor applications depend on a few ASP.NET Core libraries which in turn depend on System.Text.Json. The application was effectively “paying twice” for JSON parsing libraries, which had an impact on app size.

We ported MonkeyCache 2.0 to use System.Text.Json, eliminating the need for Newtonsoft.Json in the app. This reduced the app size on iOS from 29.3MB to 26.1MB!

See monkey-cache#109 and dotnet-podcasts#58 for details about this improvement.

Run First Network Request in Background

Reviewing dotnet trace output, the initial request in ShowsService was blocking the UI thread initializing Connectivity.NetworkAccess, Barrel.Current.Get, and HttpClient. This work could be done in a background thread — resulting in a faster startup time in this case. Wrapping the first call in Task.Run() improves startup of this sample by a reasonable amount.

An average of 10 runs on a Pixel 5a device:

Average(ms): 843.7
Average(ms): 847.8
Average(ms): 817.2
Average(ms): 812.8

This type of change, it is always recommended to base the decision off of dotnet trace or other profiling results and measure the changes before and after.

See dotnet-podcasts#57 for details about this improvement.

Experimental or Advanced Options

If you would like to optimize your .NET MAUI application even further on Android, there are a couple features that are either advanced or experimental, and not enabled by default.

Trimming Resource.designer.cs

Since the beginning of Xamarin, Android applications include a generated Properties/Resource.designer.cs file for accessing integer identifiers for AndroidResource files. This is a C#/managed version of the R.java class, to allow usage of these identifiers as plain C# fields (and sometimes const) without any interop into Java.

In an Android Studio “library” project, when you include a file like res/drawable/foo.png, you get a field like:

package com.yourlibrary;

public class R
    public class drawable
        // The actual integer here maps to a table inside the final .apk file
        public final int foo = 1234;

You can use this value, for example, to display this image in an ImageView:

ImageView imageView = new ImageView(this);

When you build com.yourlibrary.aar, the Android gradle plugin doesn’t actually put this class inside the package. Instead, the consuming Android application is what actually knows what the integer will be. So the R class is generated when the Android application builds, generating an R class for every Android library consumed.

Xamarin.Android took a different approach, to do this integer fixup at runtime. There wasn’t really a great precedence of doing something like this with C# and MSBuild? So for example, a C# Android library might have:

public class Resource
    public class Drawable
        // The actual integer here is *not* final
        public int foo = -1;

Then the main application would have code like:

public class Resource
    public class Drawable
        public Drawable()
            // Copy the value at runtime
            global::MyLibrary.Resource.Drawable.foo = foo;

        // The actual integer here *is* final
        public const int foo = 1234;

This situation has been working well for quite some time, but unfortunately the number of resources in Google’s libraries like AndroidX, Material, Google Play Services, etc. have really started to compound. In dotnet/maui#2606, for example, 21,497 fields were set at startup! We created a way to workaround this at the time, but we also have a new custom trimmer step to perform fixups at build time (during trimming) instead of at runtime.

To opt into the feature:


This will make your Release builds replace cases like:

ImageView imageView = new(this);

To instead, inline the integer directly:

ImageView imageView = new(this);
imageView.SetImageResource(1234); // The actual integer here *is* final

The one known issue with this feature are Styleable values like:

public partial class Styleable
    public static int[] ActionBarLayout = new int[] { 16842931 };

Replacing int[] values is not currently supported, which made it not something we can enable by default. Some apps will be able to turn on this feature, the dotnet new maui template and perhaps many .NET MAUI Android applications would not run into this limitation.

In a future .NET release, we may be able to enable $(AndroidLinkResources) by default, or perhaps redesign things entirely.

See xamarin-android#5317, xamarin-android#6696, and dotnet/maui#4912 for details about this feature.

R8 Java Code Shrinker

R8 is whole-program optimization, shrinking and minification tool that converts java byte code to optimized dex code. R8 uses the Proguard keep rule format for specifying the entry points for an application. As you might expect, many applications require additional Proguard rules to keep things working. R8 can be too aggressive, and remove something that is called by Java reflection, etc. We don’t yet have a good approach for making this the default across all .NET Android applications.

To opt into using R8 for Release builds, add the following to your .csproj:

<!-- NOTE: not recommended for Debug builds! -->
<AndroidLinkTool Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release'">r8</AndroidLinkTool>

If launching a Release build of your application crashes after enabling this, review adb logcat output to see what went wrong.

If you see a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException or java.lang.MethodNotFoundException, you may need to add a ProguardConfiguration file to your project such as:

  <ProguardConfiguration Include="proguard.cfg" />
-keep class com.thepackage.TheClassYouWantToPreserve { *; <init>(...); }

We are investigating options to enable R8 by default in a future .NET release.

See our documentation on D8/R8 for details.

AOT Everything

Profiled AOT is the default, because it gives the best tradeoff between app size and startup performance. If app size is not a concern for your application, you might consider using AOT for all .NET assemblies.

To opt into this, add the following to your .csproj for Release configurations:

<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release'">

This will reduce the amount of JIT compilation that happens during startup in your application, as well as navigation to later screens, etc.


LLVM provides a modern source- and target-independent optimizer that can be combined with Mono AOT Compiler output. The result is a slightly larger app size and longer Release build times, with better runtime performance.

To opt into using LLVM for Release builds, add the following to your .csproj:

<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release'">

This feature can be used in combination with Profiled AOT (or AOT-ing everything). Compare your application before & after to know what impact EnableLLVM has on your application size and startup performance.

Currently, an Android NDK is required to be installed to use this feature. If we can solve this requirement, EnableLLVM could become the default in a future .NET Release.

See our documentation on EnableLLVM for details.

Record a Custom AOT Profile

Profiled AOT by default uses “built-in” profiles that we ship in .NET MAUI and Android workloads to be useful for most applications. To get the optimal startup performance, you ideally would record a profile specific to your application. We have an experimental Mono.Profiler.Android package for this scenario.

To record a profile:

dotnet add package Mono.AotProfiler.Android
dotnet build -t:BuildAndStartAotProfiling
# Wait until app launches, or you navigate to a screen
dotnet build -t:FinishAotProfiling

This will produce a custom.aprof in your project directory. To use it for future builds:

  <AndroidAotProfile Include="custom.aprof" />

We are working on full support for recording custom profiles in a future .NET release.


I hope you’ve enjoyed our .NET MAUI performance treatise. You should certainly pat yourself on the back if you made it this far.

Please try out .NET MAUI, file issues, or learn more at http://dot.net/maui!


Jonathan Peppers
Principal Software Engineer

I used to build apps in C#. Now build *tools* to build apps in C#. Engineer on the .NET Android / .NET MAUI team.


Discussion is closed. Login to edit/delete existing comments.

  • Mateus Cerqueira

    I am using MVVM and after this last update (June 2022) I noticed that some elements in Android UI would no longer update correctly

    • Jan Seriš

      Report an issue for every of these problems to the maui github repository

  • Dan Ardelean

    This article is awesome. Some parts of it should be integrated in Docs for net-android and MAUI

  • Kalixt

    Hello, it might be not question for you Jon, but this is topic about performance on Android.

    What can be done to increase performance of CollectionView and ListView ? There are issues about this on Xamarin github (few years without answer) and MAUI has the same problem. I’ve read a lot about this topic and available ways to improve it but nothing really works. If you put 100 items in CollectionView (Cell recycle is ON) with 2 labels in each row, its lagging while scrolling on android.

  • irongut

    Awesome blog as always Jon, I think its going to take me at least 3 reads to fully process everything!

    I’m looking forward to seeing these performance improvements in my MAUI and Xamarin apps.

  • Jan Seriš · Edited

    Gains in developer productivity you call it, but actually every second/third feature of MAUI is "trip and fall" for a developer. The largest gain would be if all the features released in MAUI actually worked.

    What is 0.5 sec saved on startup for developer when he spends 10 hours messing with a feature which doesn't work in the end (unexpected when it's production ready release)?

    The largest downgrade to developer productivity is assuming that a framework works while does not and you must find workarounds or skip using the feature entirely because there is no workaround because simply the feature even isn't...

    Read more
    • Pierre Huguet

      I agree, it was fast to declare MAUI ready for production, but I saw exponential improvement since. So, I wish the MAUI team will keep up with the bugs introduced by the interest they raised. It is a challenge I hope they will tackle. Cheers!

    • Jonathan PeppersMicrosoft employee Author

      Hi Jan, most of the folks that contributed to this effort were not the same engineers that would complete features in MAUI. We also paused performance work after MAUI RC 1 shipped, as to give as much priority as possible towards stability & bug fixes in the remaining time up to GA.

      This is just the first release — I’m pretty confident things can keep getting better in future releases. Keep filing issues, thanks!

      • Jan Seriš · Edited

        Hi Jonathan, thank you, I appreciate that (your and your team's work), being myself always focused on the performance of our apps as well.
        I see now - it's two teams. Then I hope that the "MAUI features" team will get more people in.
        I am filling issues extensively but I think that is not enough to get them solved because for 2 months I've been seeing mostly only new and new issues are created and sorted but the team is not solving them because there are too many issues.
        Actually, the only complex issue which is being solved is...

        Read more
    • Taras Garat · Edited

      Agree 100%. I’ve stopped using it, just tired of bugs. Can’t finish even simple apps, even basic controls such as Scrollview are buggy (

    • Lucas Rocha

      I also agree with you 100%, I consider them a beautiful team but lack manpower and I can not understand why Microsoft does not invest more in this, meanwhile Flutter already has all this ready in less years of Xamarin / Maui and all free.

    • Dmytro Bondarenko

      100% agree, but J.P.’s specialization is a bit different from completing the MAUI features -> https://github.com/jonathanpeppers

  • Paulo Pinto

    Great overview of the work that went into it, thanks for sharing.

  • damien tohin

    Awesome !! These details will definitely help developers enforce best practices while building apps with MAUI

  • Raman Prajapati

    Good enhanced performance.