March 18th, 2021

OpenTelemetry .NET reaches v1.0

Sourabh Shirhatti [MSFT]
Program Manager

As modern application environments are polyglot, distributed, and increasingly complex, observing your application to identify and react to failures has become challenging. In early 2019, two popular instrumentation projects, OpenTracing and OpenCensus, merged to create OpenTelemetry, a new standard for observability telemetry.

What is OpenTelemetry?

By standardizing how different applications and frameworks collect and emit observability telemetry, OpenTelemetry aims to solve some of the challenges posed by these environments. The OpenTelemetry project is comprised of:

  • A vendor-neutral specification for observability telemetry (distributed tracing, metrics, etc.)
  • API packages that implement the public interfaces used for instrumentation
  • SDKs used by applications to configure instrumentation and interfaces for plugin authors to write exporters
  • Exporters that enable you to send your data to the telemetry backend of your choice

This rich ecosystem of components has led to OpenTelemetry becoming ubiquitous in the observability telemetry space. Under the stewardship of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, it already has a vibrant ecosystem of contributors and maintainers and is contributed to and used by many large companies. If you aren’t interested in OpenTelemetry yet, you soon will be because of the following benefits that it provides:


Since different languages implement the same shared specification including the wire protocol for propagating observability telemetry, you can monitor your distributed application with complete interoperability. For example, you can have a frontend service in .NET call into a backend service in Node.js, and track your distributed operation across both these services.

Vendor neutral

As the collection of observability telemetry becomes standardized by OpenTelemetry, you can choose your telemetry backend without having to change your instrumentation code. You’re free to pick the platform that offers you the most effective analysis of your data.

Multiple major instrumentation and Application Performance Monitoring (APM) vendors have publicly expressed that OpenTelemetry is a key part of their monitoring solution. It is exciting to have multiple vendors implementations already available that are based on OpenTelemetry.

In addition to the SaaS offerings for observability telemetry, OpenTelemetry also works well with existing open source distributed tracing tools such as Jaeger and Zipkin.

Future proof

OpenTelemetry aims to build instrumentation into libraries and frameworks moving forward. When newer libraries and frameworks emerge, you can easily monitor them using shared instrumentation libraries.

What’s new in OpenTelemetry?

In February 2021, the OpenTelemetry specification reached v1.0. With the v1.0 specification, OpenTelemetry implementations are now offering stability guarantees for distributed tracing. Shortly after the stabilization of the specification, OpenTelemetry .NET, the canonical distribution of the OpenTelemetry SDK implementation in .NET, also announced their v1.0 release which includes the following:

Getting started with OpenTelemetry

OpenTelemetry helps solving concerns ranging from emitting observability data, processing of the data, and controlling how the data is exported. Despite the cross-cutting nature of these concerns, care has been taken to separate them.

Application Developers

If you are an application developer, you can configure your application to use the OpenTelemetry .NET SDK and its instrumentation packages to collect distributed tracing.

Here’s an example that shows you how to add instrumentation to a console application using the OpenTelemetry and OpenTelemetry.Exporter.Console packages.

public class Program
    public static void Main()
        using var tracerProvider = Sdk.CreateTracerProviderBuilder()
            .SetSampler(new AlwaysOnSampler())
            // Add more libraries
            // Add more exporters

        // ...
        // Rest of application
        // ...


The OpenTelemetry SDK also integrates with the hosted application model used by ASP.NET Core (and the worker service). Here’s an example that shows you how to instrument an ASP.NET Core application using the OpenTelemetry, OpenTelemetry.Extensions.Hosting and OpenTelemetry.Exporter.Zipkin packages.

public class Startup
    public Startup(IConfiguration configuration) => Configuration = configuration;

    public IConfiguration Configuration { get; }

    public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        services.AddOpenTelemetryTracing((builder) => builder
            .AddZipkinExporter(zipkinOptions =>
                zipkinOptions.Endpoint = new Uri(Configuration.GetConnectionString("zipkin"));

Library Authors

If you are not a library author, you can skip this section. Popular libraries in the .NET ecosystem (ASP.NET Core, grpc-dotnet, SQLClient) are already instrumented and ready for to you consume observability telemetry.

The System.Diagnostics APIs in .NET contain an implementation of the OpenTelemetry API specification. In addition to these APIs shipping as part of .NET 5, they are also available on NuGet as part of the System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticsSource package and supported on all supported version of .NET including .NET Framework 4.5+ and .NET Core 2.1+. This is the only package reference you require to add distributed tracing support to your library.

Here’s an example that shows how you might instrument your library:

class Program
    static ActivitySource s_source = new ActivitySource("Sample");

    static async Task Main(string[] args)
        await DoSomeWork();
        Console.WriteLine("Example work done");

    static async Task DoSomeWork()
        using (Activity? activity = s_source.StartActivity("SomeWork"))
            await StepOne();
            await StepTwo();

    static async Task StepOne()
        using (Activity? activity = s_source.StartActivity("StepOne"))
            await Task.Delay(500);

    static async Task StepTwo()
        using (Activity? activity = s_source.StartActivity("StepTwo"))
            await Task.Delay(1000);

Analyzing tracing data

Once you’ve exported your distributed tracing data, you can analyze it to view your recorded traces and the causal links between all the spans that comprise these traces. I’ve included a screenshot below of the simple application we just saw in the Zipkin UI where we can see the spans stepone and steptwo parented under the somework span.

OpenTelemetry .NET reaches v1.0



We’re super excited to continue to improving the observability of all applications built on .NET and OpenTelemetry is a giant stride for us in that direction. We would love to hear your feedback! Let us know in comments below or join the rapidly growing OpenTelemetry .NET community.

You can join the contributors on the opentelemetry-dotnet repo, join the OpenTelemetry .NET channel on the CNCF Slack instance (create a CNCF Slack account here), or participate in the weekly community meetings.



I work on .NET, ASP.NET Core, and gRPC. UT Austin Alumnus and Bengaluru native


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  • Louis Lecailliez

    A reference (not mentionned in the article) to the package OpenTelemetry.Instrumentation.AspNetCore is required in the second code example for it to compile.

  • Christopher Mire

    Yes, it would be really nice to have the big picture considering AI. What will this look like in future, and what is the migration path? Will this be behind the scenes of AI sdk’s? Will instead OpenTelemetry have some supporting libraries built out to take place of AI SDK?

    • Sourabh Shirhatti Microsoft employee Author

      As more signals (metrics, distributed tracing, etc.) in the OpenTelemetry specification reach a stable designation, the OpenTelemetry Azure exporters will support egressing them to Azure for analysis with Application Insights

      There is no migration currently planned if you are using Application Insights SDK APIs (e.g., TrackMetric, TrackTrace). However, if you’re using .NET Core libraries such ILogger for logging and ActivitySource for tracing, we expect the transition to be seamless.

      • Sourabh Shirhatti Microsoft employee Author

        Will instead OpenTelemetry have some supporting libraries built out to take place of AI SDK?

        The OpenTelemetry.NET SDK has extensibility that allows for custom signal processors and exporters. The Azure team is committed to building an OpenTelemetry exporter that works in conjunction with the OpenTelemetry SDK

  • Intv Prime

    Please share the story of interop with Azure Application Insights.

    • Sourabh Shirhatti Microsoft employee Author

      As more signals (metrics, distributed tracing, etc) in the OpenTelemetry specification reach a stable designation, the OpenTelemetry Azure exporters will support egressing them to Azure for analysis with Application Insights

  • MgSam

    Is logging also going to become part of OpenTelemetry.NET? Will this become the “standard” logging / telemetry solution used by Microsoft’s .NET projects?

    • Sourabh Shirhatti Microsoft employee Author

      OpenTelemetry already supports exporting ILogger (Microsoft.Extensions.Logging) logs. We expect ILogger to remain the standard used by most .NET application models.

  • Rehan Saeed · Edited

    I recently started a blog series about Open Telemetry for .NET that some may find useful:

    1. Deep Dive into Open Telemetry for .NET
    2. Configuring Open Telemetry for ASP.NET Core
    3. Exporting Open Telemetry Data to Jaeger
    4. Optimally Configuring Open Telemetry for ASP.NET Core (Coming soon)

    Read more
  • Jorge Morales Vidal

    I would like to know how Azure Application Insights plays with OpenTelemetry in a ASP.NET Core application. I have some web apps already using Application Insights (AI) and, from what I understand, OpenTelemetry is a new alternative and it could be a replacement of AI in the future. Will there be a plan for those already using AI to migrate to OpenTelemetry? Or both can use in the same application? Thanks for your help...

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    • Sourabh Shirhatti Microsoft employee Author

      The Application Insights SDK supports a larger set of features (e.g., Metrics, Live Stream, Profiler, Debugger is not yet stable/available in OpenTelemetry) for observability telemetry. While the team is committed to providing a path to egress observability telemetry to Azure using the OpenTelemetry SDK, the current recommendation remains to use the AI SDK.

      There is no migration currently planned if you are using Application Insights SDK APIs (e.g., TrackMetric, TrackTrace). However, if you're using .NET Core...

      Read more