August 9th, 2012

.NET Framework 4.5 Talks from TechEd 2012 and aspConf

The .NET Framework team is out at conferences all the time. We love getting to meet with you all to discuss the latest news about what we’re building and even better learning about what all of you want to build. Deon Herbert, a program manager on the .NET Framework project management team, pulled together the following article for all of you who couldn’t meet us at these conferences. –Brandon

There are several conferences, talks, and seminars that take place throughout the year. Since not everyone has the opportunity to attend these, we’re providing a roll-up of recent events so you can find the most informative presentations easily. Check out some of our favorites from TechEd North America 2012, TechEd Europe 2012, and aspConf.

Featured Talk
What’s New in Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 by Layla Driscoll at TechEd Europe 2012.

TechEd North America 2012

TechEd Europe 2012


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