July 3rd, 2007

Hotfix Update for “Index was outside the bounds of the array.” Error when Publishing a Website

I am glad to announce that an updated version of a Publish Website hotfix for VS 2005 SP1 is now available for download and includes Vista support.


In April we released a hotfix to address an “Index was outside the bounds of the array” error that prevented a website to be published.  You see this issue in VS 2005 SP1 when you execute the Publish Website command for a website that was configured to use “/” as the Virtual Path.  This Virtual Path property was introduced in SP1 to allow running a website in the root folder of the built-in ASP.NET Web Server. There are some previous posts here and here that give more details about the patch.



In the comments for the previous posts, people asked about this fix not working if you have the VS 2005 SP1 update for Vista installed.  We have confirmed the issue, and this patch has been updated now to also work with the VS 2005 Update for Vista.


Hope this helps!


-Alison Lu

Visual Studio Web Tools



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