April 21st, 2020

Help us shape the future of deep learning in .NET

Brigit Murtaugh
Program Manager

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning used for tasks such as image classification, object detection, and natural language processing. It uses algorithms known as neural networks to learn and make predictions on image, sound, or text data.

Neural networks learn from experience, just like we do as humans. Similar to how we may try an activity and adjust our actions based on the outcome, these algorithms perform a task repeatedly and tweak various actions or variables each time to improve their results, making them very powerful and intelligent.

We’d love to learn more about your current or prospective usage of deep learning in .NET through the quick 10-minute survey below. Whether you’re already implementing deep learning or just starting to learn about it now, we want to hear from you. We’ll use your feedback to drive the direction of deep learning support in .NET!



Brigit Murtaugh
Program Manager

Brigit Murtaugh is a Program Manager on the .NET team, where she largely focuses on big data and machine learning.


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  • Cihan Yakar

    I did not encounter CNTK in the survey. Isn’t that a bit strange?

  • Akif Faruk Nane

    Hi, I have been developing a deep learning library in .NET 5 as well. In my opinion, users and researchers want full access of the library and the library should be easy to use. My library is based on a dynamic graph and I try to make it as flexible as possible. Here is the link: https://github.com/faruknane/DeepLearningFramework

    I’d be glad if I get support from community.

  • Max Mustermueller

    Biggest issue, in my opinion, is the way you get into machine learning. There are tools, there are examples but everything is based on "We got this. We do this. And this are our results". Great but what if I have something slightly different? Something else? Expect something else?

    As a developer and I think I speak for many developers, it's a dream to have a machine understanding what we want and do what we want to do for our specific scenario. The only question is, how do we get there?

    Someone wants the "machine" to suggest a text (search entry?) based...

    Read more
    • Christian Klassen

      In my experience it’s not advisable to try to cut corners when trying to get into deep learning.

      I would suggest to bite the bullet and buy a book like “Deep Learning” by Ian Goodfellow et al. and work through it.

    • Mahmudul Hasan

      You made a point. Everything seems like static.