April 23rd, 2007

Downloadable Hotfix: Publish command fails when Virtual Path is set to /

One of the convenient new things in Visual Studio 2005 SP1 is the ability to set the built-in ASP.NET Development Server to use “/” as the Virtual path for when it runs.  This is very useful for development of web apps that will eventually be deployed to the root folder of a web server, or for web applications that use server root relative URLs (e.g. – “/images/foo.jpg”).

However, when you set the Virtual path of the built-in development server to “/” for a Web site, you may encounter an issue with the Publish Website command not working.  This may result in either of the following error messages:


I’m glad to announce that our team has a hotfix available for download that fixes the above described issue.  If you are running into this problem after installing Visual Studio 2005 SP1, please download the hotfix and that should make the Publish Website command work as expected.

On a related note, both Visual Studio and the .NET Framework make all high-impact hotfixes available for download at the following website: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/Downloads.

Hope this information helps!


Omar Khan
Group Program Manager
Visual Studio Web Tools



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