I’m excited to share with you some of the improvements that have been made to .NET that are coming in .NET 6 in the area of dates, times, and time zones. You can try out all of the following, starting with .NET 6 Preview 4.
In this blog post, I’m going to cover the following topics:
- The new DateOnly and TimeOnly types
- Time Zone Conversion APIs
- Time Zone Display Names on Linux and macOS
- TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule Improvements
For even more details, you can also refer to dotnet/runtime#45318 on GitHub.
Introducing the DateOnly and TimeOnly Types
If you’ve worked with dates and times in .NET, you’ve probably used DateTime
, DateTimeOffset
, TimeSpan
and TimeZoneInfo
. With this release, we introduce two additional types: DateOnly
and TimeOnly
. Both are in the System
namespace and are built-in to .NET, just like the other date and time types.
The DateOnly Type
The DateOnly
type is a structure that is intended to represent only a date. In other words, just a year, month, and day. Here’s a brief example:
// Construction and properties
DateOnly d1 = new DateOnly(2021, 5, 31);
Console.WriteLine(d1.Year); // 2021
Console.WriteLine(d1.Month); // 5
Console.WriteLine(d1.Day); // 31
Console.WriteLine(d1.DayOfWeek); // Monday
// Manipulation
DateOnly d2 = d1.AddMonths(1); // You can add days, months, or years. Use negative values to subtract.
Console.WriteLine(d2); // "6/30/2021" notice no time
// You can use the DayNumber property to find out how many days are between two dates
int days = d2.DayNumber - d1.DayNumber;
Console.WriteLine($"There are {days} days between {d1} and {d2}");
// The usual parsing and string formatting tokens all work as expected
DateOnly d3 = DateOnly.ParseExact("31 Dec 1980", "dd MMM yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Custom format
Console.WriteLine(d3.ToString("o", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); // "1980-12-31" (ISO 8601 format)
// You can combine with a TimeOnly to get a DateTime
DateTime dt = d3.ToDateTime(new TimeOnly(0, 0));
Console.WriteLine(dt); // "12/31/1980 12:00:00 AM"
// If you want the current date (in the local time zone)
DateOnly today = DateOnly.FromDateTime(DateTime.Today);
A DateOnly
is ideal for scenarios such as birth dates, anniversary dates, hire dates, and other business dates that are not typically associated with any particular time. Another way to think about it is that a DateOnly
represents the entire date (from the start of the day through the end of the day) such as would be visualized by a given square of a printed wall calendar. Until now, you may have used DateTime
for this purpose, likely with the time set to midnight (00:00:00.0000000
). While that still works, there are several advantages to using a DateOnly
instead. These include:
- A
provides better type safety than aDateTime
that is intended to represent just a date. This matters when using APIs, as not every action that makes sense for a date and time also makes sense for a whole date. For example, theTimeZoneInfo.ConvertTime
method can be used to convert aDateTime
from one time zone to another. Passing it a whole date makes no sense, as only a single point in time on that date could possibly be converted. WithDateTime
, these nonsensical operations can happen, and are partially to blame for bugs that might shift someone’s birthday a day late or a day early. Since no such time zone conversion API would work with aDateOnly
, accidental misuse is prevented. - A
also contains aKind
property of typeDateTimeKind
, which can be eitherLocal
. The kind affects behavior of conversion APIs as well as formatting and parsing of strings. ADateOnly
has no such kind – it is effectivelyUnspecified
, always. - When serializing a
, you only need to include the year, month, and day. This makes your data clearer by preventing a bunch of zeros from being tacked on to the end. It also makes it clear to any consumer of your API that the value represents a whole date, not the time at midnight on that date. - When interacting with a database (such as SQL Server and others), whole dates are almost always stored in a
data type. Until now, the APIs for storing and retrieving such data have been strongly tied to theDateTime
type. On storage, the time would be truncated, potentially leading to data loss. On retrieval, the time would be set to zeros and would be indistinguishable from a date at midnight. Having aDateOnly
type allows a more exact matching type to a database’sdate
type. Note, there is still work to do for the various data providers support this new type, but at least it is now possible.
A DateOnly
has a range from 0001-01-01
through 9999-12-31
, just like DateTime
. We’ve also included a constructor that will accept any of the calendars supported by .NET. However just like DateTime
, a DateOnly
object is always representing values of the Proleptic Gregorian calendar, regardless of which calendar was used to construct it. If you do pass a calendar to the constructor, it will only be used to interpret the year, month, and day values passed into the same constructor. For example:
Calendar hebrewCalendar = new HebrewCalendar();
DateOnly d4 = new DateOnly(5781, 9, 16, hebrewCalendar); // 16 Sivan 5781
Console.WriteLine(d4.ToString("d MMMM yyyy", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); // 27 May 2021
For more on this, see Working with calendars.
The TimeOnly Type
We also get a new TimeOnly
type, which is a structure that is intended to represent only a time of day. If DateOnly
is one half of a DateTime
, then TimeOnly
is the other half. Here’s a brief example:
// Construction and properties
TimeOnly t1 = new TimeOnly(16, 30);
Console.WriteLine(t1.Hour); // 16
Console.WriteLine(t1.Minute); // 30
Console.WriteLine(t1.Second); // 0
// You can add hours, minutes, or a TimeSpan (using negative values to subtract).
TimeOnly t2 = t1.AddHours(10);
Console.WriteLine(t2); // "2:30 AM" notice no date, and we crossed midnight
// If desired, we can tell how many days were "wrapped" as the clock passed over midnight.
TimeOnly t3 = t2.AddMinutes(5000, out int wrappedDays);
Console.WriteLine($"{t3}, {wrappedDays} days later"); // "1:50 PM, 3 days later"
// You can subtract to find out how much time has elapsed between two times.
// Use "end time - start time". The order matters, as this is a circular clock. For example:
TimeOnly t4 = new TimeOnly(2, 0); // 2:00 (2:00 AM)
TimeOnly t5 = new TimeOnly(21, 0); // 21:00 (9:00 PM)
TimeSpan x = t5 - t4;
TimeSpan y = t4 - t5;
Console.WriteLine($"There are {x.TotalHours} hours between {t4} and {t5}"); // 19 hours
Console.WriteLine($"There are {y.TotalHours} hours between {t5} and {t4}"); // 5 hours
// The usual parsing and string formatting tokens all work as expected
TimeOnly t6 = TimeOnly.ParseExact("5:00 pm", "h:mm tt", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); // Custom format
Console.WriteLine(t6.ToString("T", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)); // "17:00:00" (long time format)
// You can get an equivalent TimeSpan for use with previous APIs
TimeSpan ts = t6.ToTimeSpan();
Console.WriteLine(ts); // "17:00:00"
// Or, you can combine with a DateOnly to get a DateTime
DateTime dt = new DateOnly(1970, 1, 1).ToDateTime(t6);
Console.WriteLine(dt); // "1/1/1970 5:00:00 PM"
// If you want the current time (in the local time zone)
TimeOnly now = TimeOnly.FromDateTime(DateTime.Now);
// You can easily tell if a time is between two other times
if (now.IsBetween(t1, t2))
Console.WriteLine($"{now} is between {t1} and {t2}.");
Console.WriteLine($"{now} is NOT between {t1} and {t2}.");
A TimeOnly
is ideal for scenarios such as recurring meeting times, daily alarm clock times, or the times that a business opens and closes each day of the week. Because a TimeOnly
isn’t associated with any particular date, it is best visualized as a circular analog clock that might hang on your wall (albeit a 24-hour clock, not a 12-hour clock). Until now, there have been two common ways that such values were represented, either using a TimeSpan
type or a DateTime
type. While those approaches still work, there are several advantages to using a TimeOnly
instead, including:
- A
is primarily intended for elapsed time, such as you would measure with a stopwatch. Its upper range is more than 29,000 years, and its values can also be negative to indicate moving backward in time. Conversely, aTimeOnly
is intended for a time-of-day value, so its range is from00:00:00.0000000
, and is always positive. When aTimeSpan
is used as a time of day, there is a risk that it could be manipulated such that it is out of an acceptable range. There is no such risk with aTimeOnly
. - Using a
for a time-of-day value requires assigning some arbitrary date. A common date picked isDateTime.MinValue
), but that sometimes leads to out of range exceptions during manipulation, if time is subtracted. Picking some other arbitrary date still requires remembering to later disregard it – which can be a problem during serialization. TimeOnly
is a true time-of-day type, and so it offers superior type safety for such values vsDateTime
, in the same way that using aDateOnly
offers better type safety for date values than aDateTime
.- A common operation with time-of-day values is to add or subtract some period of elapsed time. Unlike
, aTimeOnly
value will correctly handle such operations when crossing midnight. For example, an employee’s shift might start at18:00
and last for 8 hours, ending at02:00
will take care of that during the addition operation, and it also has anInBetween
method that can easily be used to tell if any given time is within the worker’s shift.
Why are they named “Only”?
Naming things is always difficult and this was no different. Several different names were considered and debated at length, but ultimately we decided on DateOnly
and TimeOnly
because they met several different constraints:
- They did not use any .NET language’s reserved keywords.
would have been an ideal name, but it is a VB.NET language keyword and data type, which is an alias forSystem.DateTime
, and thus could not be chosen. - They would be easily discoverable in documentation and IntelliSense, by starting with “Date” or “Time”. We felt this was important, as many .NET developers are accustomed to using
types. Other platforms use prefixed names for the same functionality, such as Java’sLocalDate
classes in the java.time package, or thePlainDate
types in the upcoming Temporal proposal for JavaScript. However, both of those counterexamples have all date and time types grouped in a specific namespace, where .NET has its date and time types in the much largerSystem
namespace. - They would avoid confusion with existing APIs as much as possible. In particular, both the
types have properties that are namedDate
(which returns aDateTime
) andTimeOfDay
(which returns aTimeSpan
). We felt that it would be extremely confusing if we used the nameTimeOfDay
instead ofTimeOnly
, but theDateTime.TimeOfDay
property returned aTimeSpan
type instead of aTimeOfDay
type. If we could go back and do it all over from scratch then we would pick these as both the names of the properties and the names of the types they return, but such a breaking change is not possible now. - They are easy to remember, and intuitively state what they are for. Indeed, “date-only and time-only values” are good descriptions for how the
types should be used. Furthermore, they combine to make aDateTime
so giving them similar names keeps them logically paired together.
What about Noda Time?
In introducing these two types, many have asked about using Noda Time instead. Indeed, Noda Time is a great example of a high-quality, community developed .NET open source library, and you can certainly use it if desired. However, we didn’t feel that implementing a Noda-like API in .NET itself was warranted. After careful evaluation, it was decided that it would be better to augment the existing types to fill in the gaps rather than to overhaul and replace them. After all, there are many .NET applications built using the existing DateTime
, DateTimeOffset
, TimeSpan
, and TimeZoneInfo
types. The DateOnly
and TimeOnly
types should feel natural to use along side them.
Additionally, support for interchanging DateOnly
and TimeOnly
with their equivalent Noda Time types (LocalDate
and LocalTime
) has been proposed.
Time Zone Conversion APIs
First a bit of background and history. Generally speaking, there are two sets of time zone data used in computing:
- The set of time zones created by Microsoft that ship with Windows.
- Example ID:
"AUS Eastern Standard Time"
- Example ID:
- The set of time zones that everyone else uses, which are currently maintained by IANA.
- Example ID:
- Example ID:
By everyone else, I don’t just mean Linux and macOS, but also Java, Python, Perl, Ruby, Go, JavaScript, and many others.
Support for time zones in .NET is provided by the TimeZoneInfo
class. However, this class was designed original with .NET Framework 3.5, which only ran on Windows operating systems. As such, TimeZoneInfo
took its time zone data from Windows. This quickly became a problem for those that wanted to reference time zones in data passed between systems. When .NET Core came out, this problem was exacerbated because Windows time zone data was not available on non-Windows systems like Linux and macOS.
Previously, the TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById
method looked up time zones available on the operating system. That means Windows time zones for Windows systems, and IANA time zones for everyone else. That is problematic, especially if one is aiming for cross-platform portability of their code and data. Until now, the way to deal with this issue has been to manually translate between one set of time zones to the other, preferably using the mappings established and maintained by the Unicode CLDR Project. These mappings are also surfaced by libraries such as ICU. More commonly, .NET developers have used the TimeZoneConverter library which also uses these mappings. While any of these approaches continue to work, there is now an easier way.
Starting with this release, the TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById
method will automatically convert its input to the opposite format if the requested time zone is not found on the system. That means that you can now use either IANA or Windows time zone IDs on any operating system that has time zone data installed*. It uses the same CLDR mappings, but gets them through .NET’s ICU globalization support, so you don’t have to use a separate library.
A brief example:
// Both of these will now work on any supported OS where ICU and time zone data are available.
TimeZoneInfo tzi1 = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("AUS Eastern Standard Time");
TimeZoneInfo tzi2 = TimeZoneInfo.FindSystemTimeZoneById("Australia/Sydney");
On Unix, the Windows time zones are not actually installed on the OS but their identifiers are recognized through the conversions and data provided by ICU. You can install libicu
on your system, or you can use .NET’s App-Local ICU feature to bundle the data with your application.
*Note, some .NET Docker images such as for Alpine Linux do not come with the tzdata
package pre-installed, but you can easily add it.
Also with this release, we’ve added some new methods to the TimeZoneInfo
class called TryConvertIanaIdToWindowsId
and TryConvertWindowsIdToIanaId
, for scenarios when you still need to manually convert from one form of time zone to another.
Some example usage:
// Conversion from IANA to Windows
string ianaId1 = "America/Los_Angeles";
if (!TimeZoneInfo.TryConvertIanaIdToWindowsId(ianaId1, out string winId1))
throw new TimeZoneNotFoundException($"No Windows time zone found for "{ianaId1}".");
Console.WriteLine($"{ianaId1} => {winId1}"); // "America/Los_Angeles => Pacific Standard Time"
// Conversion from Windows to IANA when a region is unknown
string winId2 = "Eastern Standard Time";
if (!TimeZoneInfo.TryConvertWindowsIdToIanaId(winId2, out string ianaId2))
throw new TimeZoneNotFoundException($"No IANA time zone found for "{winId2}".");
Console.WriteLine($"{winId2} => {ianaId2}"); // "Eastern Standard Time => America/New_York"
// Conversion from Windows to IANA when a region is known
string winId3 = "Eastern Standard Time";
string region = "CA"; // Canada
if (!TimeZoneInfo.TryConvertWindowsIdToIanaId(winId3, region, out string ianaId3))
throw new TimeZoneNotFoundException($"No IANA time zone found for "{winId3}" in "{region}".");
Console.WriteLine($"{winId3} + {region} => {ianaId3}"); // "Eastern Standard Time + CA => America/Toronto"
We’ve also added an instance property to TimeZoneInfo
called HasIanaId
, which returns true
when the Id
property is an IANA time zone identifier. That should help you determine whether conversion is necessary, depending on your needs. For example, perhaps you are using TimeZoneInfo
objects loaded from a mix of either Windows or IANA identifiers, and then specifically need an IANA time zone identifier for some external API call. You can define a helper method as follows:
static string GetIanaTimeZoneId(TimeZoneInfo tzi)
if (tzi.HasIanaId)
return tzi.Id; // no conversion necessary
if (TimeZoneInfo.TryConvertWindowsIdToIanaId(tzi.Id, out string ianaId))
return ianaId; // use the converted ID
throw new TimeZoneNotFoundException($"No IANA time zone found for "{tzi.Id}".");
Or conversely, perhaps you are needing a Windows time zone identifier. For example, SQL Server’s AT TIME ZONE
function presently requires a Windows time zone identifier – even when using SQL Server on Linux. You can define a helper method as follows:
static string GetWindowsTimeZoneId(TimeZoneInfo tzi)
if (!tzi.HasIanaId)
return tzi.Id; // no conversion necessary
if (TimeZoneInfo.TryConvertIanaIdToWindowsId(tzi.Id, out string winId))
return winId; // use the converted ID
throw new TimeZoneNotFoundException($"No Windows time zone found for "{tzi.Id}".");
Time Zone Display Names on Linux and macOS
Another common operation with time zones it to get a list of them, usually for purposes of asking an end-user to choose one. The TimeZoneInfo.GetSystemTimeZones
method has always served this purpose well on Windows. It returns a read-only collection of TimeZoneInfo
objects, and such a list can be built using the Id
and DisplayName
properties of each object.
On Windows, .NET populates the display names using the resource files associated with the current OS display language. On Linux and macOS, the ICU globalization data is used instead. This is generally ok, except that one has to ensure that the DisplayName
value is unambiguous with regard to the entire list of values, otherwise such a list becomes unusable. For example, there were 13 different time zones returned that all had the same display name of "(UTC-07:00) Mountain Standard Time"
, making it near impossible for a user to pick the one that belonged to them – and yes, there are differences! For example, America/Denver
represents most of Mountain Time in the US, but America/Phoenix
is used in Arizona where daylight saving time is not observed.
With this release, additional algorithms were added internally to choose better values from ICU to be used for display names. The lists are now much more usable. For example, America/Denver
is now displayed as "(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (Denver)"
while America/Phoenix
is displayed as "(UTC-07:00) Mountain Time (Phoenix)"
. If you’d like to see how the rest of the list has changed, refer to the “Before” and “After” sections in the GitHub pull request.
Note that for now, the list of time zones and their display names on Windows remains mostly unchanged. However, a minor but related fix is that previously the display name for the UTC time zone was hard-coded to the English "Coordinated Universal Time"
, which was a problem for other languages. It now correctly follows the same language as the rest of the time zone display names, on all operating systems.
TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule Improvements
The last improvement to cover is one that is slightly lesser used, but just as important. The TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule
class is used as part of .NET’s in-memory representation of a time zone. A single TimeZoneInfo
class can have zero to many adjustment rules. These rules keep track of how a time zone’s offset from UTC is adjusted over the course of history, so that the correct conversions can be made for a given point in time. Such changes are extremely complicated, and mostly beyond the scope of this article. However, I will describe some of the improvements that have been made.
In the original design of TimeZoneInfo
, it was assumed that the BaseUtcOffset
would be a fixed value and that all the adjustment rules would simply control when daylight saving time started or stopped. Unfortunately, that design didn’t take into account that time zones have changed their standard offset at different points in history, such as when Yukon Territory, Canada recently decided to stop going between UTC-8 and UTC-7, and instead stay at UTC-7 year-round. To accommodate such changes, .NET added an internal property (a long time ago) to the TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule
class called BaseUtcOffsetDelta
. This value is used to keep track of how the TimeZoneInfo.BaseUtcOffset
changes from one adjustment rule to the next.
However, there are some advanced scenarios that occasionally require gaining access to all the raw data, and keeping one piece of the data hidden internally didn’t make much sense. So with this release, the BaseUtcOffsetDelta
property on the TimeZoneInfo.AdjustmentRule
class is made public. For completeness, we also took an additional step and created an overload to the CreateAdjustmentRule
method, that accepts a baseUtcOffsetDelta
parameter – not that we expect most developers will need or want to create custom time zones or adjustment rules.
Two other minor improvements were made to how adjustment rules are populated from IANA data internally on non-Windows operating systems. They don’t affect external behavior, other than to ensure correctness in some edge cases.
If this all sounds confusing, don’t worry you’re not alone. Thankfully, all of the logic to use the data correctly is already incorporated in the various methods on TimeZoneInfo
, such as GetUtcOffset
and ConvertTime
. One generally doesn’t need to use adjustment rules.
Overall, things are shaping up quite a bit for date, time, and time zones in .NET 6. I’m excited to see how the new DateOnly
and TimeOnly
types make their way through the rest of the .NET ecosystem, especially with regard to serialization and databases. I’m also excited to see that .NET continues to make improvements to localization and usability – even in the obscure area of time zones!
Please be sure to leave your feedback about these new features below. Thanks!
It looks like there is no integration yet with Blazor – at least the input types for Date, Time, and LocalDate seem to all require DateTime for binding. Are there plans to address this?
Great question. As the types are new, you’ll find that it may take time for them to be supported across the entire ecosystem. In this particular case, the work is being tracked here: https://github.com/dotnet/aspnetcore/issues/33192. Thanks.
I am happy to hear about DateOnly and TimeOnly. These are long overdue. However, I am disappointed that they do not accept BC dates. I have historical databases that need to handle BC dates as strings because of this limitation. Special application logic is needed to parse this.
Have you considered using the LocalDate struct from Noda Time? It already supports this functionality.
Why Date”Only”, Time”Only”? Couldn’t you have just named the structure’s “Date” and “Time”? Is having the “Only” in the name really necessary?
Hi. This is addressed in the article. Thanks.
I'm a bit disappointed with DateOnly for the following reasons:
Yes, I know I can write extension methods, but code will look cleaner if these two features were added to the DateOnly API.
You can subtract the DayNumber properties from two DateOnly objects to get the integer number of days between them. We didn't include a subtraction operator on the objects themselves because it was felt that the units would have been ambiguous. It would instead need to return a "Period" type, which we didn't want to introduce at this time. By contrast, we were able to do this with TimeOnly because subtracting two can return a TimeSpan.
Regarding to/from OLE Automation dates (OA dates), if you are using them extensively you might consider proposing such methods via the API review...
Hi, it’s great to see these types and I was thinking for build my own types for my next project, but Microsoft give me them, Thanks.
I am asking for the integration with EFCore, and which standards will follow to serialize them in ASP. Net core
Thanks! EF Core integration is in the works!
Nice job of simplifying things where they can be.
Was it really necessary to have DateOnly and TimeOnly while we could use DateTime.Date and DateTime.TimeOfDay? I would like to know how these new types will help.
Hi. The justification for adding these new types were already described in detail in this blog post. Thanks.
Probably a stupid question; but will this stuff make its way into dotnet core?
The features described in this post are specifically for .NET 6, which is the next release from .NET 5, which was a continuation of .NET Core. So from that perspective, yes – this is in .NET Core.
However, if you are asking whether it will be backported to .NET Core 3.1 or previous versions, sorry but no.
No Nuget libraries that can be layered on top like we had for Tuples?
I realize this might be a question for another team but do you happen to know when we can expect support for these types in Entity Framework?
Great question! Npgsql (Postgres) has already completed this. There are separate issues open for each provider, both directly and for EF Core. Please refer to the links in this GitHub comment. Thanks!
Does EF6 run on .NET 5 and .NET 6? Will it be updated to support DateOnly and TimeOnly?
Not to my knowledge.
How about adding WeekNumber?
Console.WriteLine(d1.WeekNumber); // the week number
All the rest is very nice.
.NET should definitely support week numbers. I vividly remember a complete afternoon wasted on a week number implementation for a client. It quite upset me .NET did not support this out of the box!
We didn’t feel this was necessary in the initial design. However, there’s nothing preventing it from being added in the future. If you’re interested in making the case for it, please follow the API review process. (I suggest IsoWeekNumber for clarity.) Thanks.
It would need some way to know what day is considered the start of week one.
Msft already knows this as it is in Outlook, Excel, Dynamics, SQL etc., there are several standards, ISO 8601 is one of them.
Week numbers are a convenient tool for scheduling purposes.