December 8th, 2014

Channel 9 interview on open sourcing .NET

Immo Landwerth
Program Manager

Curious to where we are with open sourcing .NET Core? Do you want to know which libraries are next? Interested in a white boarding session with David Kean? Then you should check out this video on Channel 9:

Questions or concerns? Leave a comment on the Channel 9 post.


Immo Landwerth
Program Manager

Immo Landwerth is a program manager on the .NET Framework team at Microsoft. He specializes in API design, the base class libraries (BCL), and .NET Standard. He works on base class libraries which represents the core types of the .NET platform, such as string and int but also includes collections and IO. He's involved with portable class libraries and works on shipping more framework components in an out-of-band fashion via NuGet.


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