David Pine

Senior Content Developer, .NET

David Pine works in Developer Relations at Microsoft, focusing on .NET and Azure developer content. He is recognized as a Google Developer Expert in Web Technologies, and is Twilio Champion. David focuses on the developer community, actively seeking opportunities to share knowledge through speaking engagements around the world. David advocates for open-source, the .NET Foundation, C#, TypeScript, SignalR, Reactive Extensions, Azure and .NET. He's a founding member and co-host of The .NET Docs Show Twitch stream, part of the .NET Live TV family of streaming shows. Follow David on Twitter at @davidpine7

Post by this author

Refactor your code with default lambda parameters

Explore opportunities to refactor your C# code with default lambda parameters, a new feature in C# 12.

Refactor your code using alias any type

Explore the "alias any type" C# 12 feature through a complete demo application.

Refactor your code with C# collection expressions

Explore various C# 12 refactoring scenarios for a variety of target types using collection expressions, collection initializers, and the spread syntax.

Refactor your C# code with primary constructors

Explore C# 12's primary constructors through incremental refactoring of a Worker service.

Developing Optimized GitHub Actions with .NET and Native AOT

Explore a fun example app targeting GitHub Actions written entirely in .NET, optimized with Native AOT, and published to the GitHub Container Registry.

Automate code metrics and class diagrams with GitHub Actions

Let's take a look at how you can add code metrics and diagrams for your open-source .NET repositories with GitHub Actions.

.NET 💜 GitHub Actions: Intro to GitHub Actions for .NET

Use GitHub Actions to automate common .NET build, test, and deploy tasks.

Localize .NET applications with machine-translation

A GitHub Action harnessing Azure Cognitive Services Translator to automatically create translation files.