April 25th, 2023

Let’s Learn .NET Virtual Events – All Around the World

Matt Soucoup
Principal Cloud Developer Advocate

Part of what makes .NET amazing is the global community of developers who use it. And of course with a global community not everybody who develops with .NET is a native English speaker. At Microsoft – and the .NET team – we want to make sure everybody is included in the journey to be the best .NET developer they can be.

In other words, we want to talk about development topics that matter to you in your local language.

Let’s Learn .NET in Your Native Language

You may have started to see some of this already, the .NET web page has been translated into 5 languages other than English. Several episodes of the On.NET Show have been recorded in Korean with stories interesting to Korean developers.

In that spirit, today I’m excited to announce that in late April and early May we will stream 9 episodes of the popular Let’s Learn .NET series for 9 different locales around the world. In these episodes, you’ll learn the fundamentals of Azure. From Africa to China, these episodes will be streamed live at an appropriate time for the locale. They will feature speakers presenting in their native language and each episode will be tailored for the locale’s interests. These episodes will be live, please join to ask questions and interact with the speakers – all in your native language. And if you cannot make it, they will be recorded and available on-demand too.

Join Us

We look forward to seeing you at one of these events!

image of the let's learn .net logo in Japanese

.NET の優れた点のひとつとして、世界中にいる開発者コミュニティの皆様の存在が挙げられます。もちろん、グローバルな .NET コミュニティでは、すべての人が英語を母国語とするわけではありません。 Microsoft と .NET チームは、最高の .NET 開発者になるための旅路に、誰もが、参加できるようにしたいと考えています。


すでにご存知かもしれませんが、.NET の web ページ は、すでに英語以外の 5 つの言語に翻訳されています。また、『On .NET』シリーズのうちのいくつかは、『On .NET – Korean Edition 』というプレイリストで、韓国の開発者向けに、韓国語で収録されています。

その精神で、本日、4 月下旬から 5 月上旬にかけて、人気の『Let’s Learn .NET』シリーズの 9 つのエピソードを、世界中の 9 つの異なるロケールでストリーミング配信することを発表できることを嬉しく思います。これらのエピソードでは、Azure の基礎を学ぶことができます。アフリカから中国、日本など、これらのエピソードはその地域に適したローカル時間に生配信されます。登壇者もそれぞれの国の母国語話者であり、内容もそれぞれの国の関心にあわせて調整されています。これらのエピソードはすべて生配信ですので、ぜひリアルタイムにご参加いただき、質問や感想コメントなど、当日ぜひお気軽に配信チャット欄にお寄せください。参加できない場合もアーカイブは残ります。


image of the let's learn .net logo in Korean

.NET은 엄청난 글로벌 개발자 커뮤니티가 있는 것으로 유명합니다. 더욱 놀라운 점은 이 글로벌 .NET 개발자 커뮤니티의 모든 구성원들이 영어를 모국어로 삼지는 않는다는 점이죠. Microsoft에서는, 그리고 .NET 팀에서는 이 글로벌 .NET 개발자 커뮤니티에 참여하는 누구나 .NET 개발 여정을 함께 할 수 있기를 바랍니다.

여러분들은 이 .NET 웹사이트를 영어 이외의 다섯 가지 언어로 번역해서 제공하고 있는 것을 알고 있을겁니다. 더불어 On.NET Show는 한국어로도 몇 개의 에피소드를 녹화해서 제공하고 있습니다. 게다가 그 에피소드들은 한국 개발자 커뮤니티에서 관심을 가질만한 내용들이죠.

그런 의미에서, 오는 4월 하순 – 5월 초순에 인기 있는 Let’s Learn .NET 시리즈를 전세계 개발자들을 위해 아홉 가지의 다른 언어로 라이브 스트리밍을 합니다. 이 내용을 여기서 알려드릴 수 있어서 너무 짜릿합니다. 이 에피소드를 통해 Azure 클라우드의 기초를 배울 수 있게 될 겁니다. 아프리카에서, 중국, 일본을 거쳐 한국까지 이 에피소드는 현지 시간대에 맞춰 라이브 스트리밍을 진행합니다. 각 지역의 관심사를 반영해서 각자의 모국어를 통해 라이브로 진행하는 에피소드가 될 예정인데요, 세션에 직접 참여하셔서 여러분의 모국어로 질문과 답변을 포함한 활발한 소통을 기대합니다. 시간에 맞춰 접속할 수 없는 분들을 위해 온디맨드로 레코딩도 제공할 예정입니다.


Matt Soucoup
Principal Cloud Developer Advocate

Matthew Soucoup is a Senior Cloud Developer Advocate at Microsoft spreading the love of integrating Azure with Xamarin. Matt is also a Pluralsight author, a Telerik Developer Expert and prior to joining Microsoft a founder of a successful consulting firm targeting mobile, .NET, and web development. Matt loves sharing his passion and insight for mobile and cloud development by blogging, writing articles, and presenting at conferences such as Microsoft Build, NDC Sydney, Xamarin Evolve, and ...

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  • Flux · Edited

    Let me predict something. You'll open your keynote with the following question: "Why should you learn .NET?" You'll continue by saying, ".NET is the fastest-growing ecosystem today."

    Indeed, .NET is the fastest-growing ecosystem today. The .NET team is fully invested in its fast growth. Hence, they make little effort toward its adoption. As a result, the latest version of Microsoft Windows still comes with PowerShell 5.1 and .NET Framework 2.0. There is no version of Windows for client devices that comes with .NET Core 2, Core 3, 5, 6, or 7. In the meantime, C#'s growth is so fast that I...

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