Why you should use F#
This post was written by Phillip Carter and Mads Torgersen. Both work on languages on the .NET team.
At Build 2017, we presented a tech talk entitled “Why You Should Use F#”. However, not everyone can attend Build, and many attendees were unable to find a position in the room where they could adequately hear us. You can see the talk for yourself in video format if you haven’t seen it already.
- Adressing thoughts people have about adopting F#
- As Microsoft, we really do embrace F#
- F# is used for big things, including Jet.com, who you saw at the keynote
- The F# Open Source community is incredible and built many features
- Advanced Autocompletion for F#
- Rename refactoring using the same UI and underlying infrastructure as C#
- Type Providers are one of the best features of F#, especially for data wrangling and analysis
- F# is getting features that C# doesn’t even have
- Lots of F# documentation showing ways to learn F#
We recommend watching the talk to see much of the above points in action. If you haven’t tried F# before, there’s no better time than now! Functional programming is on the rise, and now is the best time to start learning. Â There are multiple ways to get started, written in the official documentation:
Getting Started with Visual Studio
Getting Started with Visual Studio for Mac
Getting Started with Visual Studio Code and Ionide
Getting Started with Command-line Tools
You can also get a thematic overview of F# and its features with the popular Tour of F# document.
Additionally, you can use F# for Azure Functions and Azure Notebooks. It’s fully supported in both services. Go forth and give it a try today!
Finally, F# is also backed by an independent foundation, the F# Software Foundation (FSSF). The FSSF is free to join, has an active community, and has a mentorship program that anyone can take part in. When you join, you get access to the FSSF slack, which has over 1200 members. If you’re interested in F#, feel free to join! It’s free and has no obligations on your part.
Hello! The links above, about “Get Started”, are broken. =(