Had a question come up today on one of the distribution lists:
Why does the Data and Diagnostics adapter reference Visual Studio 2010 even in Visual Studio 2013?
Turns out this dialogue is trying to convey that this is the old way or the “Visual Studio 2010” way of static code coverage where users need to configure individual assemblies for collection.
In Visual Studio 2013 to get code coverage results you can just right click from the Test explorer
I have also had people ask:
How the heck do you get the Test Settings dialog to display!?
The easiest way is to add one of the testing settings file is to Right Click on your Solution Name > Add > New Item
(Make sure you have the SOLUTION selected!!)
Select Test Settings on the Left hand pane > Test Settings on the page > Click “Add”
(This file can be found in the following directory <C>:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Team Tools\Testing Tools\TestProjectCommon\Templates\TestSettings\1033\Local.testsettings)
Then simply opening it from the solution explorer will open the dialog displayed above