December 19th, 2012

Visual Studio 2012 C++ CppUnitTestFramework targeting the Visual Studio C++ 2010 compiler

Slow news day here at Microsoft; trolling my inbox noticed two things that might be of interest to the ALM Community. Using the C++ Unit Testing Framework targeting the 2010 complier and we have (found and) updated the “Team Foundation Server Migration and Integration Solutions page on MSDN”.


Visual Studio 2012  C++ CppUnitTestFramework targeting the 2010 compiler?

Just saw a question and answer come across one of the internal distributions lists that should prove useful to folks adopting the new Visual Studio Testing framework for C++:

“I have a customer who has Visual Studio 2012, but they are not ready to update the compiler (due to a couple of different reasons) so are still using the 2010 compiler.

They are curious whether CppUnitTestFramework will work with the 2010 compiler.”


The unit test framework works with 2010 compiler. This works fine with the appropriate changes to include paths in the project dll/include references.

The only thing to you do is add following include directory and library directory in the unit test project setting:

  • C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0VCUnitTestinclude
  • C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0VCUnitTestlib


Where is the “Team Foundation Server Migration and Integration Solutions” Page?

I have had a couple people ping me about the MSDN page: Team Foundation Server Migration and Integration Solutions going missing. 


Turns out in the last round of web site house cleaning we were a little overzealous and deleted it!  Luckily the website is in version control; so not only have brought it back we have updated it to include Opshub: 

New Entry:

TFS Migration and Integration for HP, IBM and more

Provides both migration and integration solutions for TFS to HP, IBM  and 30+ ALM systems; while enabling TFS to provide manageability and visibility across functional groups and business systems while maintaining complete historical data and traceability.



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