February 2nd, 2018

Top stories from the VSTS community – 2018.02.02

Here are top stories we found in our streams this week related to DevOps, VSTS, TFS and other interesting topics.


  • Work can flow across the Sprint boundary – Martin Hinshelwood
    There is nothing in the Scrum Guide that says that you can’t have workflow across the Sprint boundary. I’m going to suggest that not only can you, but you should as long as you don’t endanger the Sprint Goal.
  • The trouble with Agile thinking – Oliver Smit
    Agile is not a thing you buy. Agile is a thing you are.
  • Value Stream Mapping for our VSTS Extensions – Hamid Shahid
    In this series of articles, I am going to talk about our approach for creating Value Stream Mapping and what are we doing in this space.
  • Who broke the build – VSTS to Slack – Mikkel Holck Madsen
    I decided to take things into my own hands, partly because I wanted to see how integrating to VSTS’s API was, and partly because we liked the Slack notifications, when they are proper done.
  • Migrating from TFS to VSTS, Part 1 – Michael Taylor
    My company recently migrated our on-premise TFS 2017 server to VSTS. There were a variety of reasons for doing so including faster updates, less maintenance for us and cleaning up a system that has been upgraded for years and had a lot of baggage. This series of posts is going to discuss the approach we took, the issues we had and (most importantly) provide code to help anyone else who has to go through the same process.
  • Update: TFS2018 Install Guide v1.1 – Ben Day
    I just pushed an update to my Team Foundation Server 2018 (TFS2018) install guide.  This update has a couple of new guides in it related to configuring build servers.
  • DevOps: Why Don’t Database Developers Use Source Control? – Greg Low
    I keep doing work at sites where none of the database code is stored in version control (source control) systems. I keep wondering why that is. At a recent site, all the source code was in individual files just sitting in a single folder. That’s just not sensible.
  • Unraveling the mysteries of DevOps – Subodh Sohoni
    In this article, I will try to provide some clarity about the concept of DevOps.
  • VSTS Gems- Three ways to beef up your boards – Rui Melo
    VSTS is a great platform, but did you know about its gems? Show roll-up of board on your dashboard, highlight important cards, and enable live updates.
  • Test Automation Frameworks – Follow The Recipe Or Freestyle It? – Phil Edwards
    For all those budding chefs out there, the question will always be, do you follow a recipe for your meal or do you make it up as you go along?
  • Roadmap to Enterprise Quality – Jeff Bramwell
    For the past few years I have attended the Farm Credit IT Symposium. This years’ symposium was held last week in Austin, TX where I had a chance to present on a couple of topics.
  • Creating an asynchronous AuthorizeAttribute in MVC – Gordon Beeming
    A couple days ago I needed to call a remote web api call in my AuthorizeAttribute sometimes, but as mentioned in StackOverflow and other forums, it isn’t supported but is in the newer .net core. Unfortunately the project I needed this on was traditional MVC so I was left still finding a way.


  • Microsoft Visual Studio DevOps Hands-On-Labs
    The Microsoft ALM/DevOps Hands-On-Labs is a set of self-paced labs based on Visual Studio Team Foundation Server and Visual Studio Team Services. Evaluating your next DevOps toolchain? Want to go deep and learn how you can implement modern DevOps practices with Visual Studio, Team Services and Azure? If you said yes to any of these questions, then this VM and Hands-on-labs are what you are looking for.

TIP: If you want to get your VSTS news in audio form then be sure to subscribe to RadioTFS .


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