October 1st, 2021

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2021.10.01

Jay Gordon
Senior Program Manager

The top stories from the #AzureDevOps #community for 2021.10.01 are here!

Welcome back to the news, I’m your anchor Jay Gordon. This week we bring you all the top picks from the DevOps community. This week we have posts from some of our regular contributors and some new friends. This week brings posts on Personal Access Tokens, CI/CD for Angular, Landing Zones, and more. Before I get into this week’s post, I just wanted to share that I’ll be hosting Create: DevOps on Microsoft Learn TV on October 21. 2021 at 9 AM PT. I’ll be joined by Steven Murawski as we welcome presentations from some amazing speakers from across DevOps. We’ll have people like Donovan Brown, Martin Woodward, Quintessence Anx, April Edwards, and Kat Cosgrove speaking about subjects that make up five key pillars of DevOps.

Create: DevOps

When: Thursday, October 21, 2021 9 AM PT – 12 PM PT
Where: Microsoft LearnTV
How: Register here for free

I really hope you join us for this great opportunity to hear about DevOps culture, tools, and cloud native implementation.

No time to waste, let’s take a look at this week’s contributions to the community.

How to: Personal Access Tokens Expiration Mapping
Vinicius Moura always comes through with new and interesting content. This time he shares how to manage and create reports for your PATs.

Build, Test & Deploy your Angular App for PRs and CI/CD with Azure Pipelines
Thomas Pentenrieder demonstrates a pipeline that will run both on new Pull Requests to build & test the code and after the successful merge to one of your default branches (usually dev, staging, main) which should also trigger a deployment.

Enterprise Scale Azure Landing Zones via Azure DevOps using Terraform and CAF Modules: Rover
Sebastian Rogers covers how to utilize Rover to create a Docker container with tools to implement the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework via Terraform.

Azure SQL Database with Anna Hoffman – Episode 160
Jeffery speaks to Anna Hoffman from Microsoft on what’s new in the Azure SQL space.

Angular app deployment onto Static Website BLOB with Azure DevOps pipeline using Bitbucket (1/2)
Wakkieeeeee shows how to use BitBucket alongside Azure DevOps to deploy a .NET Core app.

Dynamic PR environments in GitHub
Sam Smith shows how to create dynamic development environments with your pull requests in GitHub.

Azure Static Web Apps – adding PR support to Azure DevOps pipeline
Timur Khadimullin provides code for Pipelines and an Azure function for environment management.

Azure Policy Compliance and Remediation via Azure DevOps
Charbel Nemnom demonstrates how to check Azure Policy compliance status.

Thank you to all this week’s contributors! We appreciate the posts by Vinicius, Thomas, Sebastian, Jeffery, Wakkieeeeee, Sam, Timur, and Charbel.

If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!

Happy Friday, may your deploys go as planned and your weekend be fun!


Jay Gordon
Senior Program Manager

Jay Gordon is a Senior Program Manager with Azure Cosmos DB focused on reaching developer communities. Jay is located in Brooklyn, NY.

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  • __ · Edited

    Please fix this bug:

    “We were unable to establish the connection because it is configured for user [My Name] but you attempted to connect using user Anonymous. To connect as a different user perform a switch user operation. To connect with the configured identity just attempt the last operation again.”

    I’m logged in as me, I’ve been logged in as me for months. I was logged in as me ten minutes ago when DevOps worked fine. Nothing has changed since then. This is a bug.