The top stories from the #AzureDevOps #community for 2021.07.09 are here!
Happy Friday to you all, that means it’s time to catch up on these great posts about DevOps.
I am always excited to see what our community creates every week, and this week is no different. When I am not prepping new episodes of AzureFunBytes, I am on the hunt for new and amazing content from our community. We have a diverse array of posts about .NET 6, Azure Functions, performance testing, creating Windows 10 images, and accessibility.
Let’s get into it!
.NET 6 Azure Web App Deployment using Azure DevOps Pipelines
Subhankar goes over your .NET 6 deployments including creating a barebones API.
Building and Deploying C# Azure Functions using Multi-Stage Pipelines in Azure DevOps
Will returns to this roundup and provides a hands on tutorial on creating a build and release pipeline in a single file.
Automate On-Premise Performance Testing With Azure DevOps and Linux
Agustinus Theodorus contributes a step-by-step guide on adding stress tests within your Continuous Integration pipeline.
Azure DevOps: Deploying an ASP.NET Core Worker Service to Azure Container Instances
Jaliya goes over creating a ASP.NET Core Worker Service and deploying it to an ACI.
Deploying Windows 10 Enterprise multi-session with Azure DevOps, Terraform and Packer
Patrick and Rick streamed another Azure Thursday about infrastructure-as-code (via Terraform) and image-as-code (via Packer) deployment using Azure DevOps.
One Power BI report for both Azure Boards and GitHub
Kevin provides a tutorial on using Power BI reports to keep track of GitHub and Azure Boards.
Adding accessibility to the development process – Umbraco Codegarden 2021
In this video from Umbraco codegarden 2021, Rachel Breeze reminds us that accessibility matters.
Thank you so much to this week’s contributors Subhankar, Will, Agustinus, Jaliya, Patrick, Rick, Kevin, and Rachel. The community really appreciates the value you deliver at your jobs and in the DevOps community! We can’t make this weekly post without your contributions!
If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!
Happy Friday, may your deploys go as planned and your weekend be fun!