The top stories from the #AzureDevOps #community for 2021.07.02 are here!
Happy Friday to you all, that means it’s time to catch up on these great posts about DevOps. This week we look at Azure Pipelines, Kubernetes, Azure subscription management, and even BizTalk! I think we’ve got a great variety of content for you, so let’s get into it!
Coder Dave gives you a YouTube tutorial on Virtual Machine Scale Set Agents for Azure Pipelines.
EVERYTHING About the Scale Set Agents for Azure Pipelines (VMSS)
Dennis Martinez shows you how simple browser end-to-end testing can be with TestCafe and Azure Pipelines.
Cross Browser Testing With TestCafe and Azure Pipelines
Ranjith reminds of the importance of Kubernetes Security with this tutorial on using WhiteSource Bolt from the Azure DevOps Marketplace.
Conduct Vulnerability Management for Your Kubernetes Applications
Neeraj Kumar gets back to basics with his tutorial about getting started with Azure DevOps by creating a CI/CD pipeline.
Understanding Azure DevOps and Building CI/CD Pipeline
Andrew answers the question, “Is it possible to deploy to an Azure subscription in another Azure AD tenant with Azure DevOps?”
How to deploy to different tenants with Azure DevOps
Sandro rubs some DevOps on your BizTalk Server.
BizTalk Server: Automation Deployment with Azure DevOps – Create a build agent
Benjamin gives you some tips of enabling desktop widgets in Azure DevOps Server.
Azure DevOps Server 2020: Missing Sprint Burndown Dashboard Widgets
Thank you so much to this week’s contributors to the community: Dave, Dennis, Renjith, Neeraj, Andrew, Sandro, and Benjamin! Every post is a chance for others to learn and grow their DevOps experience.
If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!
Happy Friday, may your deploys go as planned and your weekend be fun!