February 28th, 2020

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2020.02.28

Steven Murawski
Principal Cloud Advocate

Hi y’all! I’m Steven Murawski, a Cloud Advocate here at Microsoft. I’m going to be helping with the community stories and we’ve got a great issue today! There are some great getting started ideas, a cautionary note about expectations vs. experience, a thorough pull request process, and examples of Azure DevOps for any language, any platform. Thanks to the community for creating this great content!

Build and test PHP Apps With Azure Pipelines
PHP deserves a great CI/CD experience too! Anthony shows us how to use Azure Pipelines to build and test PHP Apps.

Getting Started with Azure DevOps
Eric gives us a current look at the getting started experience with Azure DevOps and Visual Studio.

Setting up DevOps for Containerized Web Application using Azure DevOps Project
Abhitjit shows us how Azure DevOps Projects can scaffold out a new project, complete with source code repository, CI/CD, and more.

Creating a dynamic Pull Request environment with Azure Pipelines
Sam demonstrates a very thorough PR build and validation process in Azure Pipelines.

React/Redux application with Azure DevOps: Part 3 CI/CD pipeline
Nakamura-san gives us a five part series on building React/Redux applications with Azure DevOps.

Utilize Playwright together with Jest to cross-browser E2E test your solutions
Elio shares a look at some end to end cross browser testing inside of Azure DevOps.

If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!


Steven Murawski
Principal Cloud Advocate

Steven Murawski is a Principal Cloud Advocate focused on Cloud Native Open Source. Steven is a founding member of the League of Extraordinary Cloud DevOps Advocates). Steven has worked on both the Dev and Ops sides of the house, most recently as a Principal Engineer at Chef, building tools for operating applications and infrastructure at scale and velocity.

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  • Pratik Patel

    Thanks For sharing these stories
    Moral stories