September 6th, 2019

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2019.09.06

Sasha Rosenbaum
Senior Program Manager

I am always grateful for the opportunity to publish this newsletter, as the community continues to surprise me with amazing stories of applying automation to improve both software and human lives. An alternative meaning for CI is, perhaps, continuous inspiration. For a weekly dose of CI, please check out this week’s stories, especially the last one!

Use Stryker for .NET code in Azure DevOps
Today, I was introduced to mutation testing with Stryker. Stryker creates deliberate “mutations” in your code to determine if your tests are effective enough to “kill” the “mutants. Mutation testing allows you to evaluate and increase the efficiency of your tests! Thank you, Rob Bos, for writing this post on using mutation testing with Stryker on a .NET Core application in Azure Pipelines.

Project-wide flaky test detection
To add a small, but great point on the topic of testing, this short post from Matteo Emili shows us how to enable project-wide flaky test detection. Flaky tests are highly problematic, since they can cause you to unnecessarily rewrite healthy code. With this simple opt-in, you can let Azure Pipelines detect if your tests are reporting consistent results after a number of runs with no code changes, and eliminate the flaky ones.

Continuously Integrating Angular with Azure DevOps
This post from Frederik Prijck features a detailed walkthrough of setting up an Angular CLI application Continuous Integration pipeline in Azure YAML Pipelines, including publishing visual test results and integrating a linter.

How to add user enabled feature flags to your Azure DevOps Extensions
Many organizations we work with extend Azure DevOps functionality with custom extensions. But what if you wanted your custom extensions to only be visible to some users and teams, or to even be opt-in only? Luckily, you can enable this functionality using a fairly straightforward configuration. This great post from Tiago Pascoal walks us through how to do just that.

Fighting fires with DevOps
And for those of you who could use a break from reading, here is a truly inspiring recording of a presentation on implementing Continuous Delivery and orchestration on a firetruck fleet from DevOpsDays New Zealand. Ryan McCarvill is not only working for a great cause, and has a critical need for his fleet to be secure and function without a hitch in an emergency, he also shows us how to overcome lack of budget, organizational support, and resources with ingenuity and willingness to go back to the basics!

If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!


Sasha Rosenbaum
Senior Program Manager

Sasha is a Program Manager on the Azure DevOps engineering team, focused on improving the alignment of the product with open source software. Sasha is a co-organizer of the DevOps Days Chicago conference, and recently published a book on Serverless computing in Azure with .NET.


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