It is July, and the summer is in full swing. I got a nice break from travel, and now I’m headed to Microsoft Ready/Inspire next week. Say hi if you are at either conference! In the meantime, enjoy these highlights from the Azure DevOps community.
End-to-end CI/CD automation using Azure DevOps unified Yaml-defined Pipelines
This post from Melony Qin is an excellent walkthrough of deploying your application using the new YAML CI/CD pipelines in Azure DevOps. The solution builds and deploys an App Service infrastructure, and then builds, tests and deploys a Node.js application into multiple environments using a multi-stage YAML pipeline.
Analyze your repository with Azure Pipelines
This article from walks you through analyzing your BitBucket repositories in Azure Pipelines. Once you set up the SonarCloud extension in Azure DevOps, you can use the
Sonar Analysis tasks in your Continuous Integration pipelines to identify vulnerabilities, bugs, code smells, and more on your repository branches. And, of course, the same process would work with other types of Git repositories as well!
A CI/CD Pipeline with Azure DevOps and AWS Managed Kubernetes
Did you know you can deploy from Azure DevOps to any cloud? This post from David Henry features a CI/CD pipeline in Azure Pipelines deploying an application to the AWS managed Kubernetes service, EKS. It follows an important principle of “Build once, deploy anywhere”, deploying the same Docker image to multiple environments.
Using Azure CLI with PowerShell: error handling explained
Rob Bos discovered that when you use the Azure CLI via the PowerShell task in Azure Pipelines, the PowerShell script continues on error, and the pipeline still executes as if no error occurred. Luckily, there is a way to get the Azure CLI command output, and check it in PowerShell to identify errors. Read this blog post to learn how!
Azure DevOps with React
This is a great post by Gosia Borzecka on creating a CI/CD pipeline for a Node.js application using React and Gatsby. Gosia uses Azure Pipelines to auto-generate a YAML CI pipeline for her GitHub repository, and then extends it to complete the Build and Release, deploying the application via FTP.
How to Add Azure Pipelines Badge to Your Repository’s Readme in GitHub
For everyone who appreciates sharing their Build analytics and having that green Build status on display, this post by PoAn (Baron) Chen walks through the process of adding an Azure Pipelines status badge to your GitHub repo. Following these quick steps, you can add the status badge!
Azure DevOps Hidden Gems #4 – Understand Build Agents by Installing One Locally on Your Development Machine
Hosted agents are a really nice perk of Azure DevOps, allowing you to run your pipelines on Windows, Linux and Mac machines without worrying about VM setup, but for security and consistency reasons they don’t allow any access to the agent VMs. Even if you are using self-hosted agents, you probably should stay away from setting up back doors, since an accidental change to the agent configuration could cause inconsistent behavior in your agent pool. Sometimes, however, you really want to have easy access to your Build Agent for debugging. This post will walk you through setting up a Build Agent on your local machine. Thank you, Graham Smith, for continuing the Hidden Gems series!
If you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure, please share it with the #AzureDevOps hashtag on Twitter!