June 14th, 2019

Top Stories from the Microsoft DevOps Community – 2019.06.14

Edward Thomson
Principal Program Manager

I’m back home this week in England – and after week in sunny Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina (and before that, a week in even sunnier New Orleans), the cold rain has me stuck inside in the office. But it’s not all bad, as that gives me an opportunity to catch up on some of the great articles written by the Azure DevOps community:

Global DevOps Bootcamp
The Global DevOps Bootcamp is this weekend! Global DevOps Bootcamp is incredible, with DevOps thought leaders around the world coming together to show you how to build modern apps using continuous delivery and DevOps practices. Are you ready? Have you signed up for one of the events near you?

Azure Pipelines – Git checkout step fails with cannot lock ref error
One of git’s leaky abstractions is that it sometimes uses the filesystem to store branch names. That means that you can have different behavior – and even errors – if you mix capitalization of branch names on a case insensitive platform like Windows. Utkarsh Shigihalli explains the problem, how to fix it and how to configure Azure Repos so that you never have the problem again.

End-to-end Pull Request on Azure DevOps
Are you using all the features of pull requests in Azure Repos? Olivier Léger provides an incredibly thorough deep dive into them, including how to set up policies, tying them in with pipelines, merging them, build triggers, and more.

Azure DevOps: Build pipelines for Arduino microcontrollers
It’s clear that whether you’re building web apps, desktop apps or mobile apps, you should have a modern build and release pipeline for maximum productivity and safety. But what about something a little more exotic? Roberto Peña shows you how to create a pipeline for an Arduino device.

Workspace management tips for TFVC
Using TFVC instead of Git? No problem, a centralized version control system is the best choice for many workflows. But are you using it as effectively as you could? Jessie Houwing explains how to set up individual workspaces and best practices for using them for maximum efficiency.

As always, if you’ve written an article about Azure DevOps or find some great content about DevOps on Azure then let me know! I’m @ethomson on Twitter.


Edward Thomson
Principal Program Manager

Edward Thomson is a Program Manager for Azure DevOps, where he ensures that customers are successful with Git, CI/CD and DevOps concepts. Before becoming a Program Manager, he was a Software Engineer at GitHub and Microsoft working on Git tools.


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