April 29th, 2013

StarEast and an AMA with noted Test analyst Theresa Lanowitz this week

Anisha Pindoria
Senior Program Manager


This week I will be at the Stareast 2013 conference manning the Microsoft Test booth, meeting testers, sneaking into Anna’s incredible Test training, doing demos of our Test tools and something that will be a first for me- I will be physically attending an AMA by one of the foremost Test analysts in the world, Theresa Lanowitz(founder of the analyst firm voke). 

While I am still working on my demos for the virtual session I am thinking of doing the following:

Demo #1 Exploratory Testing

From my visit to Starwest last Fall Exploratory Testing is definitely a big ticket item and the idea of “exploring” the value checked in during the last sprint a very foreign concept.  I only have 5 minutes for this demo so I think I am going to spend some time showing the back log and how it is connected to the testers efforts, bugs automatically create an image log and how we will create formal test cases.



Demo #2 Browser based test management and test execution


Enabling agile teams to easily view/edit test cases and any browser and letting both customers and testers running tests from any environment without needing to install anything was definitely top request and something I am looking forward to demoing!

Quick Tip: If you want to test a Windows 8 Store Application on a high definition monitor you can toggle auto snapping the desktop version of IE 10 the keystroke Windows Key + “.” will toggle the snapping mode.

Demo #3 Load Testing Web Applications

While load testing is one of our most mature testing tools it also appears to be one of the least well known.  Last week I met with a customer who requested a meeting on Microsoft Test Manager and while wrapping they asked almost in passing….”Since you don’t have a load testing tool- which one would you recommend”…grrr! 

Based on this (and several enquiries just like this) this demo will just be a basic recording of two web tests then rolling those into a load test.



See you at StarEast!



Anisha Pindoria
Senior Program Manager

Anisha is on the Azure DevOps Community team, where she promotes engagement with leading technical community experts and groups to support awareness for Azure DevOps and accelerate the adoption via offline (meetups, conferences and workshops) and online (forums like Stack Overflow, MVP Program, and product group interactions).


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