July 23rd, 2019

Now available: Azure DevOps Server 2019 Update 1, Release Candidate 2

Erin Dormier
Principal Program Manager

Today, we are announcing the release of Azure DevOps Server 2019 Update 1 RC2. This is our last planned prerelease before our final release of Azure DevOps Server 2019 Update 1. This second release candidate includes some bug fixes since RC1. You can upgrade from Azure DevOps Server 2019 Update 1 RC1 or previous versions of Azure DevOps Server or TFS. You can find the full details in our release notes.

Here are some key links:

We’d love for you to install this release candidate and provide any feedback via Twitter to @AzureDevOps or in our Developer Community.


Erin Dormier
Principal Program Manager


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    • Erin DormierMicrosoft employee Author

      Hi Jeff,
      In the link you provided, if you look at the Server column, that is the version of on-prem that we expect the feature to be included.

  • Surendra Kolat

    @Erin Dormier, Do this release will have specific Data Migration Tool availbale. If no, which upcoming TFS release will have Data Migration tool which will be available for Migrating from TFS to Azure Devops Service.

    • Erin DormierMicrosoft employee Author

      Hi Surendra,

      The final release of Azure DevOps Server 2019 Update 1 (expected by the end of August) will support the Data Migration Tool. However, it will be about three weeks after the release before it is supported.

      • Surendra Kolat

        Thank you.

  • Scott Robertson

    Hi Erin,
    Do you have a timeline for the final release of Azure DevOps Server 2019 Update 1?  thanks.

    • Erin DormierMicrosoft employee Author

      Hi Scott,

      We are planning to ship by the end of August.

      • Scott Robertson

        Thanks Erin!

  • Manoj Mehta

    Hi Erin,
    Apologies for posting here, but I don't know where to go next.
    I run a small business - our web app and db is hosted on azure and dev through devops. The issue we have is in devops repo, the "Download as Zip" function is not working - as in it results in a corrupt archive each time. I reported this to azure support on July 1. Quick question: in terms of time taken to resolve this issue, what is the timeframe that flashes in your mind: a few hours? a couple of days maybe? If any of...

    Read more
    • Erin DormierMicrosoft employee Author

      Hi Manoj,

      I just contacted our support team so we can get to the bottom of this. Could you mail me at egeaney@microsoft.com so we can run it down?

  • Axiom Consulting

    Hello Erin,
    One question. Currently, “Migration from XML to Inherited is not supported on Azure DevOps Server. It is only available on the Service.”
    Reading the release notes, i have not seen anything indicating it will be supported with this release. Will it be available at some point?

    • Erin DormierMicrosoft employee Author

      Correct, migration from XML to Inherited is not yet in Azure DevOps Server. Inherited is only available on new collections. The migration is on our list, but there are no solid plans for a timeline yet.

      • Axiom Consulting

        thank you

  • Florian Böhmak

    Hi Erin, I skimmed through the release notes and the new "Multi-stage pipelines" were not included in this release. Only the new YAML Web Editor gave me some hope :-)
    The side note I came across in the microsoft docs does not give to much hope either, that this feature will become available anytime soon :-(
    "Preview features become available first on Azure DevOps Services and then become standard features with an update to Azure DevOps Server."
    Any thoughts on when this will become a standard feature in DevOps Server? (maybe Q1 2020?)

    Read more
    • Erin DormierMicrosoft employee Author

      Hi Florian,

      You’re correct, multi-stage pipelines are not included in this release. We expect to update our roadmap this week with our planned dates so you’ll be able to get more details. As of now, we’re expecting our 2020 release to be in the first half of next year.

  • Jeroen Landheer

    Hi Erin, 
    Nice to see a new update for Devops Server! 🙂 
    Is RC2 a go-live release?

    • Erin DormierMicrosoft employee Author

      Hi Jeroen,

      Yes, RC2 is a go-live release. We’d love for you to install it on production servers and send us any feedback.

  • Markus Bux

    Hi Erin,
    the linked release notes currently only shows a header, but not the content for the RC2.

    • Erin DormierMicrosoft employee Author

      Hi Markus,

      You’re right, it looks funny with only a header. I updated it to say that RC2 includes bug fixes since RC1. Thanks for the feedback!