October 22nd, 2015

New Java documentation subsite for Visual Studio Online

Demonstrating Microsoft’s continued commitment to enabling Java developers to fully utilize Team Foundation Server (TFS) and Visual Studio Online (VSO), we have launched a documentation subsite dedicated to Java at java.visualstudio.com.

The site covers a large variety of topics relevant for Java development including:  using Git with VSO, building Java apps, setting up continuous integration, deploying Java apps to Azure, agile and team planning, and using Eclipse and IntelliJ with VSO and TFS.


The first version of the site is now live and consists of three primary sections:  Documentation, Support and Downloads.

Within the Documentation section, you will find two walkthroughs to assist you to better understand TFS and VSO features for the Java developer and how to get started.

The site also provides documentation for our Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA plug-ins for using your favorite Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with our systems.



The Support section provides several avenues for you to submit your ideas, feedback and feature requests directly to our Java product development teams.



The Downloads section provides the details you will need to download our plug-ins so you can begin Java development with TFS and VSO.



This is a “living” site where we will be adding content continuously.  Coming in the future are pages dedicated to our integrations with other industry Java tools (such as Jenkins, GitHub, SonarQube and JMeter), presentations and videos that provide “how to” information, and more on future products, features and releases.

We also provide a career link at the bottom of each page in case for those interested in joining our team and helping Microsoft expand its openness and support for Java, other cross-platform languages or .Net technologies.



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