September 25th, 2023

New Boards Hub Rollout Update

Dan Hellem
Program Manager

In July, we provided an overview on the steps for New Boards hub to go GA. In this blog post, we wanted to provide a short update on where things are at and what you can expect over the next couple of months.

Roll out schedule

So far, the New Boards Hub “on by default” initiative has been enabled for over 30% of the active organizations. We have been enabling one ring at a time, collecting feedback and fixing bugs along the way. About 95% of the users continue to use the new experience.

Image new boards hub rollout

On average we are fixing 25-35 bugs per sprint. Most of the new bugs reported are edge cases that happen under very specific conditions. We do respond to every email received and bug filed.

Expect the process to enable New Boards Hub on by default to continue at the same rate. We anticipate having all organizations transitioned by the middle to end of November.

As we roll out New Boards Hub to the organizations, we are also transitioning the work item comments editor to Markdown. These two things will happen at the same time or within a couple of days of each other.

Image markdown on work item comments

What about old boards?

For the time being, users can still revert back to old boards if they run across a blocking issue. However, instead of reverting to old boards, we encourage users to Report a bug so that we can review and fix the problems. The option to revert back to old boards will only be available for a few weeks. It is better to report an issue so they can be addressed.

How you can help

Your feedback is essential to making New Boards successful. We can’t fix issues we don’t know about. If you run across any problems, please report them via “Report a bug” or email me directly.

On that note, some extensions (internal and public) are known to not work properly in New Boards. We have fixed most of the issues in the platform and have determined that many of problems are on the extension themselves. If you are an extension builder, please double check the extension in New Boards and let us know if you run into issues.

Thank you for your support and help. We look forward to releasing New Boards to all of our customers over the next couple of months.


Dan Hellem
Program Manager

Dan is a Program Manager with Microsoft's Azure DevOps


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