May 28th, 2014

Latest Microsoft Monitoring Agent

The Application Insights team has released a new agent for Application Performance Management scenarios.  This updated agent is version 7.1.11196.0 and is available here.  If you are already using version 7.1.11115.0 then upgrading to this agent can be done by uninstalling the old one and then installing the newer version (for Azure Cloud Services the new agent version will be updated when the role is recycled next).  If you are using a version before 7.1.11115.0 then follow the instructions here.  Here is a description of the changes:

  • At the end of the MMMA agent setup there is an option (selected by default) which will automatically restart IIS so the .NET profiler can be registered


  • In a scenario where the server is being monitored by a System Center management group APM data will only be sent to the Application Insights service after installing the newer version of the agent.  (before this latest version APM data – ie. exception events and performance events could be sent to both a System Center management group and Application Insights)  Management Packs and all non APM scenarios continue to function as expected from the System Center management group from this preview version of MMA.
  • For the Azure Cloud Service scenario there were some security and reliability changes made to the instrumentation tool (ie. the files called UnifiedBootstrap.bat & UnifiedBootstrap.ps1 that were placed into the AppInsightsAgent folder) and the latest is available here.



Vlad Joanovic

Program Manager



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