January 19th, 2024

Final notice of alternate credentials deprecation

Angel Wong
Product Manager

In November 2019, we announced that the alternate credentials feature will be formally deprecated in March 2020. Since then, a small number of users were grandfathered in with continued usage of existing alternate credentials, which have remained active until today.

We will be discontinuing all usage of alternate credentials this month. Users have been notified of this change over email over the course of 2023.

If you are affected and this is the first time you are hearing of this, the recommended action from our team is to explore this list of alternative means of authentication available, at your earliest convenience as this January deprecation will cause existing requests authenticated with alternate credentials to fail.

The simplest of these alternative authentication methods would be replacing your alternate credential with a new personal access token. We also suggest you explore our new managed identity and service principal support, which might serve as a better fit for those that were previously using their alternate credentials to authenticate on behalf of an application.


Angel Wong
Product Manager

Senior Product Manager, Azure DevOps


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