June 5th, 2012

Enabling Coded UI Test playback logs in Visual Studio 2012 Release Candidate

In Jason Zander’s blog post: Announcing the Release Candidate (RC) of Visual Studio 2012 and .NET Framework 4.5 he showed a new Coded UI feature  -capturing playback logs.


Please note this blog post has been updated.  Please see:

Enabling Tracing and HtmlLogger in Coded UI Test











Unfortunately CodedUI doesn’t do this by default and finding the logs isn’t always obvious.  

To enable CodedUI Test Playback logs you need to set some configuration settings in the file QTAgent32.exe.config to make this work.  This file can be found at:

C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0Common7IDE

The settings are:


     <!– You must use integral values for "value".
          Use 0 for off, 1 for error, 2 for warn, 3 for info, and 4 for verbose. –>

     <add name="EqtTraceLevel" value="4" />



<add key="EnableHtmlLogger" value="true"/>
<add key="EnableSnapshotInfo" value="true"/>

<add key="StopTestRunCallTimeoutInSeconds" value="5"/>
  <add key="LogSizeLimitInMegs" value="20"/>
  <add key="CreateTraceListener" value="no"/>
  <add key="GetCollectorDataTimeout" value="300"/>

Now when you run a codedUI Test (even successful ones with the trace level set to “verbose”) you will see there is an output link in the Test Explorer results


Which in turn will take you to the Test output containing the UITestActionLog.html



-Which contains the CodeUI Test Log Jason showed in his blog.






Discussion are closed.
