November 15th, 2017

While You’re Waiting for Connect(), Check out DevOps at Microsoft

Sam Guckenheimer
Product Owner

Unfortunately, I had to cut out of DevOps Enterprise Summit early. It’s great to see how DOES has doubled every year, and how the conversations are changing from “Why DevOps?” to “How do we adopt DevOps faster, at larger scale, and through a bigger org?”

In this spirit, I updated DevOps at Microsoft last week with eighteen videos and ten articles.

If you’re waiting for Connect(), like me, please check it out.



Sam Guckenheimer
Product Owner

Sam Guckenheimer is Product Owner for the Azure DevOps. In this capacity, he acts as the chief customer advocate, responsible for strategy of the next releases of these products, focusing on DevOps, Agile and CI/CD Pipelines. Sam curates the website, DevOps at Microsoft. He is a regular speaker and has keynoted at many conferences including DevOps Enterprise Summit and Agile, and has written four books. Prior to joining Microsoft in 2003, Sam was Director of Product Line Strategy at Rational Software Corporation, now the Rational Division of IBM. Sam lives in the Seattle area with his wife and three children in a sustainable house they built that has been featured in Houzz.


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