January 7th, 2016

Receive an error when resolving a bug created by your build?

When you create a new build definition, you have the option to create a bug when the build failed.



If you activate this option, it is possible that you will receive the following error message when resolving the bug: The field ‘Assigned To’ contains the value ‘[DefaultCollection]Project Collection Service Accounts’ that is not in the list of supported values.”



The reason for this is that the new build system uses a service account to create the bug, which is a group in TFS. In WIT however we have made a change recently which doesn’t allow to assign work items to groups anymore. We are working on a fix for this, but you can already unblock yourself today. In the build definition, you can specify an explicit value for the System.CreatedBy field.


        <p>&#160;</p>  <p>Sorry for any inconvenience that we have caused.</p>  <p>Ewald</p>


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