September 28th, 2012

5 hour IntelliTrace Course is now available online

Marcel de Vries was one of the first people outside of Microsoft to receive Intellitrace builds, involved with almost as much of the planning as the feature PM (Larry Guger) and managed to find and file the first external bug on Intellitrace – so it is no wonder that it was Marcel PluralSight went to write their 5 hour Intellitrace course.   For more information please see:


Course Description:

IntelliTrace is a feature of Visual studio Ultimate that enables application debugging using a historical execution log. This course explores how to use IntelliTrace to enhance interactive debugging sessions, as well as how to leverage IntelliTrace as a postmortem debugger in testing environments (using the Microsoft Test Manager) and on production systems. Several advanced topics such as CLR profiler integration and collection plan tuning are also explored in depth.

Marcel de Vries

Marcel de Vries

Technology Manager at Info Support, Microsoft regional Director, Visual studio ALM MVP and IT Architect Consultant.


clip_image001Pluralsight - Hardcore Developer Training



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