We are excited to announce enhanced support for Generation 2 VMs on Azure DevTest Labs, now in public preview.
We listened to your feedback and have improved the support for using Generation 2 VMs in Azure DevTest Labs. Generation 2 Virtual Machines (VMs) support key capabilities that are not supported in Generation 1 VMs such as increased memory, Intel Software Guard Extensions (Intel SGX), and virtualized persistent memory (vPMEM). Generation 2 VMs might have improved boot and installation times.
You can now easily choose between 1 (Gen 1) and Generation 2 (Gen 2) version of the same marketplace image and easily identify all available Gen 2 images in the list of marketplace images on Azure DevTest Labs portal. This capability allows lab owners to restrict the access of lab users to either only Gen 2 images, only Gen 1 images, or a combination of certain Gen 1 and Gen 2 images within a lab. Lab users can also easily differentiate between Gen 2 images and Gen 1 images and select the appropriate one while creating a VM.
For a VM instance to be a Gen 2 VM, it must use the specific Gen 2 base image and its VM size must support Gen 2.
To learn more about using Gen 2 VMs in Azure Dev Test Labs, check out our Gen 2 public docs.
To learn more about Gen 2 VMs and the VMs series it’s supported on in Azure, check out Azure support for Generation 2 VMs.
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